Griffith Evans, MD

Omaha, NE - 1805 North 145th Street, Omaha, NE 68154Request an Appointment
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An Omaha native, Dr. Evans moved his practice back to his hometown at Momenta Pain Care, allowing him to dedicate all of his professional time to providing comprehensive pain care to his patients and giving him the opportunity to work with his former colleague and fellow pain management doctor, Dr. Peter Piperis.
Using his expertise on interventional treatment of spine and musculoskeletal pain, he is the medical director of the Bergan Mercy Surgery Center.
His past service work includes medical mission trips to both Central America and the Dominican Republic. He and his wife Margaret have six children and are members of Christ the King Church.
Medical Specialties
- Anesthesiology
- Pain Medicine
Board Certification
- Anesthesiology
- Pain Medicine
Education and Experience
Medical School
Creighton University School of MedicineMedical Hospital Internship
Creighton University School of MedicineResidency
State University of New York at Stony Brook
EnglishSpecialty areas: Cervical Spine (Not Upper Cervical or CCI)*, Elbow, Foot & Ankle, Hand & Wrist, Hip, Knee, Lumbar Spine, Shoulder, Thoracic Spine
*This provider is NOT authorized by Regenexx to treat the C0-C1 or C1-C2 levels of the neck or CCI (craniocervical instability).