Matthew Kohler, MD

Matthew Kohler, MD


New York, NY - 635 Madison Ave, Suite 1301, New York, NY 10022

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Matthew Kohler, MD

Whenever possible, Dr. Kohler encourages a holistic and conservative approach to help improve his patients’ quality of life while minimizing risks. He understands the need for a proven yet personalized treatment plan using the most advanced, research-based regenerative orthopedic therapeutics available.

In order to promote the best possible outcomes for his patients and truly provide the most comprehensive and tailored care, Dr. Kohler acquired education in regenerative medicine and genomics-based personalized medicine.

This has given him unique insight in how to optimize his patients’ health prior to any treatments and give them the tools to stay healthy and prevent further re-injury or degeneration.

In his free time, Dr. Kohler enjoys attending concerts, visiting art galleries, trying different New York City restaurants, traveling abroad, and maintaining an active lifestyle.

Medical Specialties

  • Anesthesiology
  • Pain Medicine

Board Certification

  • Anesthesiology
  • Pain Medicine
  • Medical School

    University of Virginia School of Medicine
  • Medical Hospital Internship

    Columbia University Medical Center
  • Residency

    Columbia University Medical Center


English, Spanish

Specialty areas: Cervical Spine (Not Upper Cervical or CCI)*, Elbow, Foot & Ankle, Hand & Wrist, Hip, Knee, Lumbar Spine, Shoulder, Thoracic Spine

*This provider is NOT authorized by Regenexx to treat the C0-C1 or C1-C2 levels of the neck or CCI (craniocervical instability).

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