Sandy Finds Relief for Her Chronic Knee Pain

  • Patient’s Name: Sandy
  • Age/Age Group: 60+
  • Body Part: knee
  • Top concern: knee pain
  • Treatment: Regenexx-SD, which uses bone marrow concentrate that contains stem cells
  • Doctor: Paras Shah, MD

Sandy had such terrible knee pain that she could barely walk, even with the assistance of a cane. The pain was so bad she had to cancel a trip to Europe. An orthopedic surgeon told her she’d need a knee replacement.

But then at a physical, her primary care doctor mentioned he had other patients who’d had success relieving their pain with Regenexx. She brought her previous X-rays and MRIs to Paras Shah, MD, at Regenexx Kansas City, who performed an ultrasound and thorough examination on her knee. He recommended Regenexx-SD as the best course of treatment for Sandy’s knee pain.

“I noticed after about a month, and it just got better from there,” she says. “At six months, I have no pain, so I’m doing whatever I want to do.”

Learn More About Regenexx For Knee Injuries

Note: The testimonials appearing on this website reflect the real-life experiences of Regenexx patients but are not necessarily typical of what you or any other patient might experience. Individual results of the Regenexx procedures will vary depending on a number of factors, including your diagnosis, the severity of your condition, your overall health, and others. To better understand what large numbers of patients experience on average, please visit our Patient Results page, and inquire with your Regenexx physician.

Patients often characterize Regenexx’s non-surgical treatment options as “stem cell” or “regenerative medicine” procedures. For more information about these terms and how Regenexx defines them, please click here.

Regenexx® Procedures have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else.