My Brother’s Messed Up Patellar Tendon and Stem Cells

My brother has been a lifelong runner. So when he ruptured his patellar tendon playing tennis and then had it surgically repaired, the big question was whether he could return to running. The answer? Not until some stem cell help. Let me explain. The Patellar Tendon The patellar tendon attaches the bottom of the knee cap…read more

How to Heal a Torn Tendon Naturally: The Type of Tear Matters

On this page: What is a tendon or ligament made of? What are the types of tendon and tears? A patient story The patient’s MRI above is from clinic yesterday. It’s of an ankle tendon, but it might as well be a shoulder, knee, or hip tendon or ligament. The problem was that this patient…read more

Hand Surgery Side Effects That Can Easily Be Avoided…

If you’ve ever wondered why sometimes I seem to be a bit “anti-surgery,” you would only need to spend a day with me in clinic to find out why. We see surgery train wrecks day in and day out. What makes them so upsetting is that most of the time, the surgery could have been…read more
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