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The Interventional Orthobiologics Blog

Knee Osteonecrosis Alternatives: Can a Precise Injection Rescue Dying Bone?

Are there viable knee osteonecrosis alternatives outside of joint replacement? Avascular necrosis a.k.a. osteonecrosis is a horrible disease of the bone where the structure often collapses. Having said that, we’ve successfully treated many cases by using a minimally invasive method to place the patient’s own stem cells into the area of dying bone. I’d like…read more

Helping a Cross-fit Guru with Knee Arthritis get His Squat Back!

Regenexx is really about data. For the past several years I’ve highlighted data from our registry which shows the results of a broad slice of many patients, because that’s the most ethical way to present results. Having said that, I’ve gotten complaints from patients that they really don’t resonate with data, instead they would rather…read more

Can Stem Cells Help Knee Arthritis?

Can a same day treatment with stem cells help knee arthritis if all of the conditions are right? RM was 56 when we saw him in 2011 and now 3 years later, a new MRI shows some interesting changes. So I thought I’d use his image as a thought experiment this morning to discuss why…read more

Regenexx-ACL procedure Featured on Ski Web-site…

Regenexx-ACL Hits The Slopes We’ve treated many knee ACL tears without surgery using our own unique protocol of stem cell injections, the Regenexx-ACL Procedure. We developed the technique and have submitted research publications showing positive objective changes in the torn ligament. We also continue to improve this game changing procedure. Today, the on-line snow sports…read more

Knee MCL Surgery Healing without the Surgery!l

Knee MCL injuries are tough. They take forever to heal and the big ones (grade 3) are usually operated. What if a precise injection of stem cells, using a unique protocol could offer knee MCL surgery healing without the surgery? The MCL is a ligament that acts like a piece of strong duct tape on…read more

Avoid Knee ACL Surgery: Helping Another College Player

This past few years the evidence that knee ACL surgery is needed for torn ligaments has continued to erode. In the meantime, the concept that a knee ACL tear may be able to be helped with an injection of the patient’s own stem cells has been pioneered by our research group. Here I highlight another college…read more

Knee Stem Cell Treatment in Tulsa, Oklahoma & Dallas, Texas

One of the marks of a good procedure in medicine is that it can be taught to others and it still works. All too often, surprisingly, this fails to happen. In Oklahoma, a recent news story highlighted the Regenexx stem cell procedure used to treat knee arthritis. The ability for a procedure to still work…read more

Thankful for Our Regenexx Patients…

This has been a great clinic week in Grand Cayman. I’m so thankful that we have such wonderful patients who trust us to help them. I’ve also loved some of the patient stories this week. Here are some of my favorites. I blogged earlier on JG, a businessman whose ankle we treated awhile back with…read more
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