Shoulder Labral Tear Surgery Pros and Cons

Quick links: What is a shoulder labral tear? What are the causes of labral tears? What is shoulder instability? How is a labral tear related to shoulder instability? What happens if you have shoulder instability after labral tear surgery? I evaluated a patient this week who shows off the warts of our modern orthopedic care…read more

How Successful Is Hip Labral Tear Surgery Really?

On this page: What is the hip labrum? What is a hip labrum tear? What is FAI? Can physical therapy help FAI? Can a hip labral tear heal itself? Will a cortisone shot help a torn hip labrum? What’s the hip labral tear surgery success rate? What is the hip labral tear surgery success rate?…read more

Biceps Tenodesis Side Effects: They Did What to You?

I have a running list that I keep of the dumbest surgeries. One of my criteria to make the list is when I first hear about the procedure from a patient I am shocked enough to say out loud, “They did what to you?” While I’ve known about the concept of tenodesis for many years,…read more
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