Joint Replacement

Joint replacement involves surgically removing a damaged or diseased joint and replacing it with an artificial implant or prosthesis. It is typically performed to relieve pain, restore function, and improve mobility in individuals with severe joint degeneration or arthritis.

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Is This the Truth About Knee Replacement Surgery?

I consulted Dr. Google this morning to find out what it said about knee replacement results. What I found was interesting and disturbing: So what’s the truth about knee replacement surgery? Most people believe that it’s like just going to your mechanic and getting a worn-out part replaced in your car. Is that true? Not…read more

PRP Knee Injection : We Know More about PRP than Knee Replacement

If you’re considering a PRP knee injection the first question to ask is whether we know this procedure works. Given that many patients want PRP injections to avoid a knee replacement, let’s focus on whether PRP injections work as well as, worse, or better than knee replacement by looking at the research behind each. What…read more

Stem Cell Alternative to Knee Replacement?

Is there a stem cell alternative to knee replacement? There’s much craziness out there in the wild west of “stem cells” with fake treatments being offered left and right. However, I was recently asked by a former patient whatever happened to one of the patients we had in a testimonial? How is he doing now?…read more

Looking for Knee Replacement Alternatives? You Should Be!

Knee replacement is a huge surgery as it involves amputating the knee joint and inserting a prosthesis. Hence, knee replacement alternatives have become popular. First, let’s dive into knee replacement and review the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then we’ll review some knee replacement alternatives.What is Knee Replacement? Knee replacement is also called total…read more

Are Heavier Patients More Likely to Have a Knee Replacement Revision?

It’s a myth to believe that every orthobiologic injection of PRP or stem cells will help 100% of the patients with knee arthritis. In fact, there’s a failure rate with all of these technologies. So if you do need a knee replacement, what might determine if that’s a success or failure? Turns out weight is…read more

Steroid Injections Before Knee Replacement Increases Risk of Complications

We’ve known for a long time now that injecting high-dose steroids into arthritic or painful knees is a dumb idea. Now, new research shows that if a patient who gets a steroid injection goes on to get a knee replacement, they are at higher risk for a complication. I’ll review in a moment, but first,…read more

Return to Function and Satisfaction After Total Knee Replacement? Fact vs. Fiction

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge the pain and limitation associated with knee osteoarthritis. It can make the simplest task, like walking upstairs or getting out of a chair, almost impossible at times. Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis occurs in 10% of men and 13% of women in the United States. The rate of osteoarthritis has more than doubled since 1940.

Activity Increase for Active Patients After Knee Replacement Not Realistic

As I’ve said before, the single biggest growth area in knee replacements has been younger and more active patients. You see ads on buses, on billboards, in the newspaper, and on TV ads where young and active people are climbing mountains or running with their “brand-new” knee. The problem with that business model is reality. Here’s…read more
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