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The Interventional Orthobiologics Blog

Why Do My Toes Spread Apart When Walking?

On this page: The transverse metatarsal ligament Why toes spread apart when walking A patient with “mushy” forefoot How to treat your feet without surgery The front of your foot is critical for establishing a stable base of support for walking. So what happens when, instead, it’s a mushy mess? For example, if you have…read more

Why Can’t I Lift My Arms Overhead?

On this page: Muscles and ligaments involved in neck instability Irritated neck nerves A patient story I love when patients walk in and I can easily show them how their body works. This past week, I was able to do that with a patient who couldn’t lift his arms over his head. In seconds, I…read more

Why You Don’t Need Shoulder Separation Surgery

On this page: What is the AC joint? What happens in an AC joint separation? What does an AC joint separation feel like? Is shoulder separation surgery necessary? New research on surgery for AC joint dislocation When I was in medical school, I crashed a motorcycle and separated my shoulder. I was told back then…read more

What Causes Tightness in the Side of the Neck?

On this page: Tight scalene muscles Scalenes compensating for other muscles Ways to treat tightness in the side of the neck I’ve already told you about my left upper trap; now meet my left scalene. When I lift too much, these muscles, which live on the side of the neck, get tight. Tight Scalene Muscles…read more

Why Do My Shoes Wear Out More Quickly on the Outside Heel?

On this page: Foot strike: pronation vs. supination How irritated back nerves can lead to supination How to treat foot supination I wear out shoes very quickly. In fact, I’ve worn down one pair of black dress shoes about 50% more on the heel on the outside, so I no longer wear them. Do you…read more

What to Do About a Big Toe That’s Curved Inward

On this page: Causes of a big toe curved inward Treatment for pain and arthritis in the big toe Prevent a big toe curved inward from getting worse As we age, the big toe can begin to bend sideways. You may not visually notice it at first, but as it gradually worsens, not only will…read more

Why Is My Big Toe Numb?

On this page: Pinched nerve and toe numbness Other issues that can cause big toe numbness If your big toe is numb or you’re having on-again, off-again episodes of numbness, consider this a warning sign of something bigger — like a pinched or irritated nerve in your low back. Big toe numbness can also be…read more

Why Is My Calf Muscle Twitching?

On this page: Calf muscle twitching and low back nerves What to do about calf muscle twitching Maybe you’re watching your favorite TV show or browsing the Internet, and suddenly you experience a spontaneous episode of calf muscle twitching. Or perhaps you’ve just finished an intensive round of exercise, CrossFit for example, and that exertion…read more
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