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The Interventional Orthobiologics Blog

A New Ankle Surgery Alternative Interventional Orthopedics Style…

Knees and hips seem to be on everyone’s minds these days, but surgical alternatives are equally important for all joints. Interestingly, especially for ankles, as they carry the weight of those knees and hips and backs and shoulders and necks, and everything else above them. This is the story of unsuccessful and damaging surgeries, and…read more

Study: ACL Surgery Return to Play Shortens NBA Careers…Is There A Better Way?

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) surgery to treat a torn ACL has become the most popular sports-medicine procedure in America, largely because we commonly see our athletic heroes getting the procedure. However, what does the reality of ACL surgery return to play actually look like? I questioned why we were still doing ACL surgery in…read more

CrossFit Back Injury Prevention Checklist

Pro CrossFit is an amazing thing to watch. People with what look like superhuman bodies perform lifts and feats that defy the imagination. It requires incredible discipline, form, commitment, and truly knowing and understanding your body. Then there are the amateurs, like me, who do CrossFit because it produces better results through high-level exercise. We likely see more…read more

Why Can’t I Get Rid of Heel Pain?

Have you tried everything you can think of to get rid of heel pain? Have you tried physical therapy, medications, calf stretches, devices for heel pain you see in ads—all without long-term relief? Has a doctor injected steroids into your heel to treat your plantar fasciitis. How much relief did that buy you? The truth…read more

Why Do I Have Joint Pain After Exercise?

On this page: Controlling chronic inflammation Treatment with growth factors Being ProActive Many of us experience muscle tightness and soreness after exercise, but why do some of our joints ache after exercise? For me it’s my left knee and shoulder; for you maybe it’s your hip or ankle. When your joint aches, it’s because more…read more

Gastrocnemius Recession Recovery? Do NOT Get This Procedure

I spoke to a patient on the phone this week who told me he had a gastrocnemius recession surgery for heel pain. Huh? This is a surgery that involves lengthening the calf muscle for a tight calf, which is like saying your car pulls to the left when you drive so we should lengthen the left axle.…read more

Rotator Cuff Healing May Depend On Your Genes

As I’ve said many times, the structural model of orthopedics that depends on sewing things together to help pain is on its deathbed as study after study show that these types of surgeries are ineffective. That same paradigm shift holds true in rotator cuff repair, where recent research shows that the surgery was unable to beat…read more

Helping Your ACL with Stem Cells Requires a Direct Injection into the Ligament

I spoke to a woman this week who seemed confused about how stem cell injection works to help the ACL. She had been told by a physician new to stem cells that the type of general intra-articular injection he offers would repair her damaged ACL. There are a bunch of reasons why that’s not going…read more
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