Regenexx Research

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The Bench Scientist False Dilemma

Credit: Shutterstock I’ve blogged a few times about the widening rift between a handful of media-savvy bench scientists and physicians who use regenerative medicine techniques to help patients avoid invasive orthopedic surgery. This past few weeks we’ve seen several unscientific things in the news and in bench science blogs about PRP and Bone Marrow Concentrate.…read more

Our Latest Publications

Regenexx has always had an active research program with our goal being to try and get a few papers published every year. However, COVID slowed down the publication process for everyone. So we have a bunch of publications coming out all at once now. Let’s dig in. Our Publication Team Yesterday, during one of our…read more

Stem Cells and SCI: Placebo or the Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread?

I have gotten many emails through the years from patients who know someone who has a spinal cord injury (SCI) and who ask if we could help. My answer has always been the same. We only treat orthopedic injuries. However, a study on stem cells and spinal cord injury was just published in February that’s…read more

New Craniocervical Instability Book!

Craniocervical Instability or CCI is one one the most confusing topics in medicine to research online. Why? There are only a few pockets of information that all appear to be diametrically opposed to each other. Hence, like I’ve done a few times now, I wrote a book to try and get good information all in…read more

Is Injecting the Bone in Knee Arthritis the New Standard?

If you read this blog, you know that there are VAST differences in knowledge and training between providers offering knee “stem cell” treatments. In addition, what you get at one clinic will be vastly different, and many times not even be similar to what you get at another. The one equalizer is supposed to be…read more

My 2019 Orthopedic Bone Marrow Stem Cell Research Infographic

Every year for the last 5 years or so, I’ve summarized the published research on bone marrow stem cell use in orthopedics. It’s been exciting to see this research base grow. As I said last year and will repeat again this year, anyone who says we have no research on bone marrow stem cell use…read more

Our Annual Stem Cell Research in Orthopedics Update—2016 Edition

Every year for the last few, I’ve created an infographic summarizing stem cell research in orthopedics. Every year, the list gets bigger and the number of patient results represented grows. This year is no different! (Click here for a larger view) How Is This Created? I searched the US National Library of Medicine under several…read more
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