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Seamonkeys and Oral Stem Cell Pills from New Zealand

I used to love Sea-monkeys as a kid. They would come to life out of a little packet of dehydrated eggs when placed in seawater. An ad this week on Facebook selling oral “live” stem cell pills is claiming that a pill can repair your body using placental stem cells from deer. So is it…read more

What Is PRGF?

A new treatment called PRGF seems to have become popular this past year with physicians using orthobiologics. What is it? What’s it used for? What’s the evidence behind it? Why should you care? Let’s dig in? What’s the Buzz About? I was recently listening to a number of physicians who use orthobiologics discuss PRGF. There…read more

Pain News Network Piece on Recent Pew Stem Cell Article

A recent article from the Pew Charitable Trusts claimed that stem cell treatments had a high complication rate. The paper they relied on was a serious piece of junk that I rebutted last week, but I also thought that I would highlight the opinion of a patient advocate published recently in Pain News Network. The…read more

Stem Cells and SCI: Placebo or the Next Best Thing Since Sliced Bread?

I have gotten many emails through the years from patients who know someone who has a spinal cord injury (SCI) and who ask if we could help. My answer has always been the same. We only treat orthopedic injuries. However, a study on stem cells and spinal cord injury was just published in February that’s…read more

Paragon Integrated Medical: The Scams Continue

It’s time again to explore the stem cell wild west. Today’s entry is a clinic in California, but what you’ll see here might as well be any integrative chiropractic clinic offering “stem cells”. I’ll cover two interesting models over the next two blogs on this topic that both miss the mark. Let’s dig in. Integrated…read more

National Stem Cell Institute Review (NSI Stem Cell)

I often take a look at the claims of various stem cell clinics offering to treat a wide variety of otherwise incurable diseases. Today I’ll review NSI Stem Cell. Let’s dig in. What is NSI Stem Cell? I reviewed National Stem Cell Institute in Tampa Bay, Florida in 2017. At that point, NSI Stem Cell…read more

Busting the Mythbusters

I’ve previously blogged on the Marrow Cellutions device that purports to be so good at drawing stem cells right out of your bone marrow that the bone marrow aspirate doesn’t need to be centrifuged to concentrate these cells. We were intrigued a few years ago by the claim, so we paid for several of the devices and tested…read more

Real vs. Fake Orthopedic Stem Cell Treatment: How to Tell the Difference

There are hundreds of stem cells clinics in the U.S., alone, offering to cure everything from impotence to autism to heart damage suffered after a heart attack. Some particularly bold clinics are even claiming stem cells can grow you a new joint from a severely degenerated one. In fact, when I last reported on the…read more
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