Stem Cell Treatment Review

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VittiLabs, the Sopranos, and an FDA Warning Letter

I’ve blogged quite a bit on the crumbling amniotic and umbilical cord fake stem cell market. Despite peer-reviewed research demonstrating that these products clearly have no stem cells, throughout social media, we still see patients who are getting bombarded by influencers who claim they are loaded with young and vital stem cells. One of the…read more

Tony Robbins Life Force Review

I’ve been getting lots of emails lately about the Tony Robbins book “Life Force”. It’s always interesting as a physician to get bombarded by patients with what sounds like misinformation, but since you haven’t looked at the source, you’re not sure how to respond. In fact, patients come in with new things every day, so…read more

What Is PRGF?

A new treatment called PRGF seems to have become popular this past year with physicians using orthobiologics. What is it? What’s it used for? What’s the evidence behind it? Why should you care? Let’s dig in? What’s the Buzz About? I was recently listening to a number of physicians who use orthobiologics discuss PRGF. There…read more

He Blinded Me with Science! David Singer Strikes Again

I wrote about David Singer a while back. He’s a chiropractic practice consultant who has now reinvented himself as a stem cell expert. IMHO, he and others like him are helping to perpetuate stem cell fraud in hundreds of chiropractic clinics all over the country. Today we’ll dig into the fraudulent use of research to…read more

Busting the Mythbusters

I’ve previously blogged on the Marrow Cellutions device that purports to be so good at drawing stem cells right out of your bone marrow that the bone marrow aspirate doesn’t need to be centrifuged to concentrate these cells. We were intrigued a few years ago by the claim, so we paid for several of the devices and tested…read more

Real vs. Fake Orthopedic Stem Cell Treatment: How to Tell the Difference

There are hundreds of stem cells clinics in the U.S., alone, offering to cure everything from impotence to autism to heart damage suffered after a heart attack. Some particularly bold clinics are even claiming stem cells can grow you a new joint from a severely degenerated one. In fact, when I last reported on the…read more
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