Hip Tendon Tear Recovery Without Surgery

Are You a Regenexx Candidate?

Yes. Physicians in the licensed Regenexx network have treated hip tendon tears without surgery. Whether a hip tendon tear is due to an acute injury or a degenerative condition, interventional orthopedic procedures can reduce pain and may help your body promote its own abilities to heal tendon tears without surgery. That means a shorter recovery time and fewer potential complications as compared with invasive hip surgeries.

Regenexx SD InjectateSurgery
Return to Daily Routine2 to 5 days6+ weeks
Return to Sports3 to 6 months1 year
RecoveryBrace, up to 6 weeks PTCrutches, brace, extensive, no driving, 3 to 6 months PT
Pain ManagementMostly over-the-counter pain medication (days)Prescription pain medication for weeks (weeks)
General AnesthesiaNoYes
Keep Your Hip JointYesNo

How Does The Regenexx Approach Work?

Physicians in the licensed Regenexx network use image guidance technology to precisely inject your own bone marrow concentrate — which contains stems cells — directly where it’s needed to repair damaged tissue in the hip joint structure.1-3 

The cells in your bone marrow concentrate work at the site of your injury to promote the growth of new, healthy tissue that aids in the stabilization of your hip joint for better function and mobility.4

Am I a candidate?

During appointments, physicians in the licensed Regenexx network examine your body in motion and may use ultrasound to observe the inner workings of the hip in real time. This gives them a more accurate picture of what’s contributing to your pain, how function is affected, and the root cause of the problem. 

Once you’ve been evaluated, your physician will customize a treatment plan based on your specific needs. Teatments may include:

Regenexx SD Injectate: a patented protocol using bone marrow concentrate that contains stem cells

Regenexx SCP Injectate: a proprietary formulation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that’s more concentrated than what a basic bedside centrifuge can produce

Regenexx PL Injectate: platelet lysate, which is a highly specialized derivative of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Am I a candidate?

Get started to see if you are a Regenexx candidate

To talk one-on-one with one of our team members about how the Regenexx approach may be able to help your orthopedic pain or injury, please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you within the next business day.


1.Centeno CJ. Efficacy and Safety of Bone Marrow Concentrate for Osteoarthritis of the Hip; Treatment Registry Results for 196 Patients. J Stem Cell Res Ther 2014;04(10). doi:10.4172/2157-7633.1000242.

2. Friedlis MF, Centeno CJ. Performing a Better Bone Marrow Aspiration. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2016 Nov;27(4):919-939. doi: 10.1016/j.pmr.2016.06.009. PMID: 27788908.

3. Centeno CJ, Kisiday J, Freeman M, Schultz JR. Partial regeneration of the human hip via autologous bone marrow nucleated cell transfer: A case study. Pain Physician. 2006 Jul;9(3):253-6.

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