Andrew Cooper, DO

Andrew Cooper, DO


Idaho Falls, ID - 2635 Channing Way, Idaho Falls, ID 83404

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Andrew Cooper, DO

As a physician, Dr. Cooper’s mission is to assist in the improvement of function to anyone that feels physical limitations and allow them to enjoy their life to the fullest capacity. Though he began his college education in business administration, during his senior year of college, he discovered that the reward of assisting others with their ailments was his real passion.

He has had extensive training in the treatment of a wide variety of limitations that include spasticity secondary to neurologic issues, sports injuries and concussions, and non-surgical treatment of peripheral nerve and joint injuries. He is passionate about providing top-of-the-line treatment to his patients to improve their functional abilities and give them more freedom to enjoy day-to-day life.

Throughout his life, Dr. Cooper has enjoyed participating in sports of a wide variety from football, baseball, and golf to water skiing and snowboarding. As a “weekend warrior” athlete, he has always had an interest in human anatomy and how small alterations in it can lead to massive functional changes.

He feels lucky to get to return to the Snake River Valley, as he believes it is the perfect place to raise his four children with the same principles that he had in his childhood.

Medical Specialties

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Board Certification

  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Medical School

    Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Residency

    Michigan State University



Specialty areas: Cervical Spine (Not Upper Cervical or CCI)*

*This provider is NOT authorized by Regenexx to treat the C0-C1 or C1-C2 levels of the neck or CCI (craniocervical instability).

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