Ghassan Nemri, MD

Coeur d'Alene, ID - 509 West Hanley Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815Spokane, WA - 3124 S. Regal Street, Spokane, WA 99223
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Dr. Nemri’s extensive experience has brought many patients the expertise of a compassionate and caring physician.
He practiced anesthesia and pain management for several years in the largest pain management group in northwest Indiana and the greater Chicago area before moving to Washington State to be closer to his family.
Medical Specialties
- Anesthesiology
- Pain Medicine
Board Certification
- Anesthesiology
- Pain Medicine
Education and Experience
Medical School
Minsk Medical InstituteMedical Hospital Internship
Jersey Shore University Medical CenterResidency
Cook County Health and Hospitals System
EnglishSpecialty areas: Cervical Spine (Not Upper Cervical or CCI)*, Lumbar Spine, Thoracic Spine
*This provider is NOT authorized by Regenexx to treat the C0-C1 or C1-C2 levels of the neck or CCI (craniocervical instability).
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