Pittsburgh Man Finds Alternative to Surgery for His Chronic Knee Pain

  • Patient’s Name: Jim Joshowitz
  • Age/Age Group: 50
  • Body Part: knee
  • Top concern: knee pain
  • Treatment: Regenexx SD injectate, which uses bone marrow concentrate that contains stem cells
  • Doctor: John Pitts, MD, Centeno-Schultz Clinic

At just 50 years old, Jim’s knee pain was so bad he had to walk around with a cane. And his ability to do his job, which required him to frequently climb stairs and ladders, was severely limited. 

He went to an orthopedist, but he was determined to be too young to have a knee replacement. And he wouldn’t be considered a good candidate for years. Even after surgery, though, he’d never be able to do his job fully.

So Jim began to research alternative solutions. One day a coworker shared a video from Regenexx, but Jim thought the results seemed too good to be true. After doing some more digging into the company and prior patients, he determined it was worth scheduling an appointment to see for himself.

He met with John Pitts, MD, at the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, who determined the best course of action for Jim was to have a procedure using Regenexx SD injectate done on his knee.

“I can climb on machines, I can look in the trucks, I can get on my hands and knees. I never thought, based on the advice I’d originally gotten, that I would ever be doing that again,” he says. “My daily routine is fully restored…. My life is just like it used to be.”

Learn More About The Regenexx Approach For Knee Injuries

Note: The testimonials appearing on this website reflect the real-life experiences of patients with the Regenexx protocol but are not necessarily typical of what you or any other patient might experience. Individual results of procedures using Regenexx lab processes will vary depending on a number of factors, including your diagnosis, the severity of your condition, your overall health, and others. To better understand what large numbers of patients experience on average, please visit the Regenexx Results page, and inquire with a physician in the licensed Regenexx network.

Patients often characterize non-surgical treatment options that use Regenexx injectates as “stem cell” or “regenerative medicine”. For more information about these terms and how Regenexx defines them, click here.

Procedures using Regenexx injectates have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of treatments for anyone else.