Annual Regenexx and IOF Conference

This past weekend we had our annual Regenexx conference alongside the Interventional Orthobiologics Foundation Conference (IOF). As a result, I thought I would review today what’s up with Regenexx. Let’s dig in.


I founded Regenexx as a company in 2005. The idea was to use orthobiologics like bone marrow stem cells and platelets to help patients avoid more invasive surgery. By 2010 or so that had morphed into a network where we licensed our technology and know-how to other doctors. That grew steadily to a few dozen sites around the world. By 2015 we had an Iowa affiliate that was getting insurance companies to pay for orthobiologics, so we formed a new company to expand that program. At that point, I stepped down from being a CEO and jack of all trades to the CMO. For the past several years, the company has been focused on growing our national network and adding corporate clients who provide coverage for these procedures to the average employee, allowing people with no or less disposable income to use orthobiologic injections to avoid surgery.

Before I continue, It’s worth contemplating for a second. Almost every provider you may have seen injecting orthobiologics learned from someone who learned from someone who learned from someone who learned from someone who learned from us. The only exception to that rule would be providers who went to Paris, France to learn directly from Phillpe Hernigou.

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Annual Regenexx Conference

We had our annual Regenexx provider conference in Pheonix this past weekend. We now have 85 sites in the US and several international locations. Above is one of our corporate salespeople (Mark Testa) taking a picture of the affiliates in attendance at our conference.

A New Logo

Regenexx has had several logos through the years and it was time for an overhaul. Here’s the new one that was introduced at the Regenexx national conference this past weekend which also went live on the website:

Regenexx Corporate

This program is simple. Take people who work for a self-insured company and allow them to access interventional orthobiologics instead of orthopedic surgery. This saves money for the company and produces happier employees who have less downtime and fewer complications. However, how that program has evolved has now even surpassed my wildest expectations when I greenlit this addition some 7-8 years ago:

  • 1,200 employers are now part of the program
  • 10 million USD was paid to providers in 2022 to compensate them for providing interventional orthobiologics for those carrying an insurance card. This was 50% year-over-year growth.
  • More than 600 corporate referrals were sent from our call center in Jan 2023 to our providers. These are people who have coverage for Regenexx through their insurance plan and this was just a little more than half of all of the referrals sent.

The companies that we have added and who are now considering Regenexx now represent a nice slice of the Fortune 500.

Regenexx Registry

Nobody else on earth has ever been successful in maintaining a large registry of the outcomes and complications of orthobiologic procedures. Many have tried and failed, but only Regenexx to date has pulled this off long-term. Our registry will turn 18 years old this year and contains the results of tens of thousands of patients. It’s robust enough now to drive the utilization management decisions we make as part of our corporate program. Meaning, things like, will a specific orthobiologic procedure be able to save the employer money when used to replace surgery. In fact, I got a chuckle this past week when I read an article that the Orthopedic Surgery organization called the Biologics Alliance is now recommending that everybody should use a registry! Yep guys, that’s true, you’re just 18 years late to the party.

Devices and Cellular Drugs

What we do at Regenexx is so special that it has generated dozens of US and International patents. It’s also generated an FDA-approved clinical trial for a drug candidate that involves hypoxic conditioned, culture-expanded mesenchymal stem cells. There is a second drug candidate involving platelet lysate which is being readied for clinical trials and several 510K-approved devices in the pipeline.

The upshot? Regenexx continues to grow with high-quality providers and now is sending out more patients with insurance coverage to our network affiliates for interventional orthobiologic injections than not. 2023 should be an amazing year for the company!

Chris Centeno, MD is a specialist in regenerative medicine and the new field of Interventional Orthopedics. Centeno pioneered orthopedic stem cell procedures in 2005 and is responsible for a large amount of the published research on stem cell use for orthopedic applications. View Profile

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NOTE: This blog post provides general information to help the reader better understand regenerative medicine, musculoskeletal health, and related subjects. All content provided in this blog, website, or any linked materials, including text, graphics, images, patient profiles, outcomes, and information, are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please always consult with a professional and certified healthcare provider to discuss if a treatment is right for you.