Bone Marrow Derrived Stem Cells

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from a patient’s bone marrow concentrate. These cells can develop into various types of cells, including those that form bone, cartilage, and fat. MSCs play a crucial role in the body's ability to repair and regenerate damaged tissues.

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Is It Legal to Get Cultured Stem Cells in the U.S.?

This past month, I had a reliable source tell me that two companies offering same-day fat stem cells have begun offering more. In fact, they are providing a culture-expanded stem cell product in the U.S. I’ve since been able to confirm this based on what’s appeared on the website owned by one of these groups and what…read more

New Knee Arthritis BMC Study Adds More Confusion

It’s hard for patients to understand that in some fields, academics are way behind their private-practice counterparts. One of those fields used to be interventional spine care, but the academic system eventually caught up. One of those right now is regenerative medicine, where academics are, for the most part, just figuring out which end is up.…read more

Microfracture Knee Alternatives: RIP Knee Microfracture?

Knee microfracture surgery is a common method used for cartilage repair. But does it work? A recent study says that microfracture knee alternatives should be used because the procedure is ineffective and should be abandoned. Knee microfracture is used for potholes in the cartilage. The theory is that poking or drilling small holes in the bone…read more

Hip AVN Surgery Alternative: Another Hip AVN Patient Treated with Stem Cells

Can an injection of stem cells act as a hip AVN surgery alternative? PL is a young man in his twenties who was diagnosed with hip AVN. Like many diagnosed with this disease, he had no risk factors and it’s likely that we’ll never know how he got the disease. He saw several orthopedic surgeons…read more
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