Cartilage Degeneration

Cartilage degeneration is a process characterized by the gradual deterioration of cartilage tissue, which serves as a cushion between bones in joints. This condition commonly occurs with aging or as a result of injury, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Cartilage degeneration can affect various joints in the body, such as the knees, hips, and shoulders, and may progress over time if left untreated.

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PRP Doesn’t Help Cartilage Repair? Always Read the Fine Print!

It’s always bizarre to me what makes the rounds of the science news. This week it was a paper, that websites covered, with the headline, “Platelet-rich plasma does not promote stem cell-mediated cartilage repair.” Like many research papers that are hyped, you always need to read the fine print. When you do, this headline isn’t accurate. Let…read more

It’s Official: Avoid Steroid Shots for Knee Arthritis!

Medicine changes slowly. It takes many years of research showing that a medication or surgery doesn’t work or is harming patients before most physicians who are used to the drug or procedure will drop it. However, there is a point in time that it becomes clear based on the evidence that it’s time to abandon…read more

NSAIDs and Stem Cells: Naprosyn Messes Up Cartilage

I highlighted a study recently that suggested that taking NSAID drugs long-term could cause more arthritis. However, the question is how that could happen. Now another recent study sheds light on a possible mechanism for how that could work—NSAIDs cause abnormal cartilage to be manufactured because of the interaction of NSAIDs and Stem Cells. NSAIDs…read more

Why Middle Aged People Should Ignore Cartilage Loss and Meniscus Tears

The orthopedic community is being turned on it’s head right now. For example, while we have physicians who almost universally agree that cartilage loss in the knee causes pain and/or that a meniscus tear also causes pain, the recent research isn’t cooperating. This blog will be a little more steeped in medical jargon than most,…read more
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