Complication Rates

Complication rates reflect the frequency of adverse events during medical procedures. They are critical indicators of treatment safety and effectiveness, informing healthcare decisions and quality improvement efforts. Monitoring and minimizing complication rates are essential to enhance patient care and outcomes.

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Surgery for Big Rotator Cuff Tears Has High Retear Rates…

Rotator Cuff tears can be tricky. I think to best understand them, you need to ask your self why they happen in the first place. While some result from trauma, the vast majority of rotator cuff tears happen from simple wear and tear as we age.  Why would the most important group of muscles in the shoulder…read more

Meniscus Repair Complications: Does this Surgery Work?

Meniscus repair could be the term in medicine that’s most like cell phone coverage ads on TV ̶  it all looks good on the surface, but the reality is different. So what is a meniscus repair and who gets one (versus cutting the meniscus out)? What are the meniscus repair complications you should be concerned…read more

Chronic Knee Cap Pain after Total Knee Replacement Suprisingly Common

A doctor discusses the common complication of chronic knee cap pain after knee replacement surgery and looks at why this happens in more than 1 in 10 knee replacement patients.

Do Knee Replacement Patients have a Dramatically Increased Risk for Certain Cancers?

A doctor discusses research showing large elevations in the risk for certain types of cancer in patients who had knee replacement surgery.
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