Hip Surgery

Hip surgery involves various procedures aimed at addressing hip-related conditions or injuries, focusing on relieving pain and restoring function. Common types include hip replacement, arthroscopy, resurfacing, and fracture repair, each tailored to specific diagnoses and individual needs.

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Hip Replacement Pain: A Frustrated Patient

I’ve blogged before on hip replacement pain, or when patients still have pain after hip replacement. Likely the most detailed study to date showed continued pain in patients who had hip replacement surgery-for example, on average 53% of hip replacement patients reported pins and needles 6 months after the surgery. Yesterday a new patient came…read more

Should You get Hip PAO Surgery?

What the heck is periacetabular osteotomy (Hip PAO surgery)? We have been concerned about the rapid rise in hip labrum and CAM impingement surgeries for FAI. However, this picture above tells a whole new story, one that moves our concern level up several notches  A colleague recently sent us this picture of a professional fighter who went…read more

Hip Pain after a Hip Replacement: Helping a Patient with Blood Platelets and Stem Cells

Hip replacement pain after one year? ML is a 69 year old woman who we first evaluated in June and who now claims we have performed a “miracle”. I don’t know if I would use the same terms other than we were able to get to an accurate diagnosis of what was wrong. Prior to having a…read more
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