
Inflammation is the body’s response to injury or infection, characterized by redness, swelling, and pain. It plays a vital role in the immune system’s defense mechanism but can lead to chronic health issues if not properly regulated.

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Chronic Inflammation and Back Pain: New Research May Help You Calm the Fire

A new study gives great insight into inflammation and back pain, and its startling findings may help you manage chronic back pain. Chronic inflammation in the whole body is an oft-ignored problem which can make back pain worse. Understanding when to focus on treating this issue, and how best to do it sans drugs, may…read more

New Treatment for Neck Pain: Platelet Lysate and Heidi’s Journey

At our annual Regenexx network provider conference in Denver this past week, a network physician who is more focused on interventional spine came up and thanked me for introducing him to a new treatment for neck pain – platelet lysate. This one change had revolutionized his practice as he found it much more effective than…read more

Wear Debris in Joint Replacement and Genetic Problems

Wear debris is a big issue in knee and hip replacement as we now have many studies that show that many types of prostheses produce these small particles. However, if you’ve already had a joint replacement or are considering one, a new study should be very concerning. It found that this wear debris can cause…read more

Steroids are Awful: More Evidence for Steroid Stem Cell Toxicity

High dose steroids, the kind given out like candy by most physicians and used for everything from a herniated disc to asthma are awful drugs. These powerful anti-inflammatories are what I call a “bull in the china shop” pharmaceutical, as while they’re powerful anti-inflammatories, their side effect profile is just like that bombastic bull. Now…read more

Can CoQ10 help arthritis? What is CoQ10?

Can CoQ10 help arthritis? Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a supplement that most people associate with protection from heart disease. Now a new study suggests that it may help in inflammatory arthritis. In particular, in a recent study, it was shown to reduce inflammatory substances and evidence of cell stress based on blood tests. What the…read more

Popping that Motrin Pill Could Kill You…

NSAID drugs like Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve and Celebrex are so commonly used that they may as well be put in the water supply. Grocery store shelves are lined with them and physicians are taught that they are an important part of controlling pain after an injury. However, what if these drugs were also dangerous? Well,…read more

Leaky Gut and Curcumin: Helping Your Stem Cells and Allergies!

Do leaky gut and Curcumin go together? You may have heard the phrase “leaky gut” or perhaps you have no idea what this means. This is an exciting area of medical research centered around your intestine as a barrier between the outside world and your internal workings. When it’s not, all hell breaks loose from…read more
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