Side effects

Side effects refer to unintended or undesirable outcomes resulting from medical treatments, medications, or interventions. They can range from mild discomfort to severe complications. Understanding and managing side effects are essential for optimizing patient safety and treatment outcomes in healthcare.

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Why Statins are Really Bad for You

As you know, we have seen statin cholesterol drugs do really bad things to stem cells in culture. On the other end of that spectrum, we’ve also seen high triglycerides due to metabolic syndrome hurt stem cells. One of our patients who was instructed to get off statin drugs before her stem cell procedure recently sent this article by MIT professor Dr. Stefanie…read more

Knee Steroid Injection Side Effects

We’ve known for awhile that local anesthetic and steroid shots can produce side effects for stem cells and cartilage cells. Local anesthetics are a common component of knee steroid shots. We’ve been amazed at the toxicity of one commonly used numbing agent in knee steroid shots called Bupivicane (also known as Marcaine). A recent literature review on the topic I performed…read more
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