Snowboarder Returns To The Snow After Regenexx Knee Procedure

  • Patient’s Name: Tony M.
  • Age/Age Group: 55
  • Body Part: knee
  • Condition/Injury: torn meniscus
  • Top concern: knee pain
  • Treatment: Regenexx SD injectate, which uses bone marrow concentrate that contains stem cells

Tony, a 55-year-old recreational master Alpine snowboard racer, began experiencing knee pain from snowboarding. At the end of one season, he realized the pain was so bad he could no longer ride his board.

Wondering if he would ever be able to snowboard again, he went to his orthopedic surgeon. His doctor took one X-ray and told Tony he was done with snowboarding. Additionally, the MRIs showed that he had holes in both of his menisci. Another orthopedic surgeon recommended surgery, but said that Tony would still be in pain afterward. 

He remembered hearing about regenerative medicine therapies, so he began to do some research. He found Regenexx and saw they had a provider in California. During his initial appointment, the doctor reviewed his X-rays and MRIs and completed a physical exam. By the end he felt confident that Tony was a good candidate for Regenexx SD injectate, which uses bone marrow concentrate that contains stem cells.

“I had the main procedure done on Thursday, and I returned to work on Tuesday,” he says. “It took several weeks before I noticed that my knees were actually feeling better, but as the weeks went on, they got more and more comfortable. Six weeks later, the braces were off; I started to work out more intensely. And four months afterward, I was back on snow.”

Learn More About The Regenexx Approach For Meniscus Injuries

Note: The testimonials appearing on this website reflect the real-life experiences of patients with the Regenexx protocol but are not necessarily typical of what you or any other patient might experience. Individual results of procedures using Regenexx lab processes will vary depending on a number of factors, including your diagnosis, the severity of your condition, your overall health, and others. To better understand what large numbers of patients experience on average, please visit the Regenexx Results page, and inquire with a physician in the licensed Regenexx network.

Patients often characterize non-surgical treatment options that use Regenexx injectates as “stem cell” or “regenerative medicine”. For more information about these terms and how Regenexx defines them, click here.

Procedures using Regenexx injectates have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of treatments for anyone else.