ACL Surgery

ACL surgery is expensive, averaging from $10,000 to 12,000 in the U.S. Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) injections, a more affordable alternative, aim to heal torn ACLs without surgery. Research shows promising results, with some patients experiencing reduced pain and improved function, making it a potentially cost-effective option.

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LASER Spine Surgery Side Effects: Meet the Thoracodorsal Fascia

Have you seen those new compression garments athletes wear to try to improve performance? The idea is that by adding compression to the muscles, the ultratight shirts and pants will make the muscles contract better. This concept has been around for a while; it’s called fascia. Every muscle in your body is already surrounded by fascia that…read more

ACL Knee Surgery Side Effects: Helping Teens Avoid the Knife

Why are we treating our kids like NFL athletes? While aggressive orthopedic surgery in kids used to be rare, these past 10 years it seems like the norm. One of the areas of pediatric orthopedic surgery that has exploded is ACL reconstruction. However, as I’ll explain, while the research is suggesting that ACL knee surgery side…read more

Front Inside Knee Pain Caused by a Loose Ligament

This past week I saw a patient who had gotten some relief from a first stem cell treatment for front inside knee pain, but she wanted more. Her remaining pain in this area of the knee seemed to be caused by a loose ACL ligament — ACL laxity. A ligament in the center of the…read more

Can Patients with an ACL Tear Avoid Surgery?

One of the more astounding things I’ve seen stem cells do in my decade long use of the orthobiologic is heal ACL tears that should have needed surgery. We’ve amassed a great library of before and after films that never cease to blow me away.  However, the proof as they say is in the pudding.…read more

ACL Surgery Return to Sports: Few Ready to Return to Play by 8 Months!

There’s a push right now in ACL surgery return to sports to shorten the time actually needed for recovery. For some surgeons, this means telling patients that they can return to sports by 6-8 months. Now a new study questions the wisdom of those recommendations. First, the ACL is a main stabilizing ligament of the knee. When…read more

Huge ACL Surgery Cost Burden May Be Reduced by Injections Over Surgery…

The average ACL surgery cost in the U.S. is about $10-12,000. However, is there a cheaper alternative that uses an injection of your own stem cells without the need for surgery? This is one of the many before and after MRI cases we’ve amassed showing a healing blown ACL after a very precise stem cell…read more

ACL Surgery Recovery: Re-injuries are Six Times more Likely for Athletes after ACL reconstruction

Can you injure the other knee during ACL surgery recovery? There was an interesting study presented at the American Academy of Orthopedic Sports Medicine last week that got little press. A physical therapist and colleagues studied the incidence rate of a second ACL injury in the 2 years following ACL reconstruction surgery and return to sports in a young,…read more
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