Hand & Wrist

The hand and wrist are complex anatomical structures essential for performing intricate movements and tasks. Injuries or conditions affecting this region can impair mobility and function, necessitating proper diagnosis and treatment for optimal recovery.

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Pain in Base of Thumb: Convincing a Skeptic

More than a year ago I was lecturing at a medical conference, and a woman who was a stem cell scientist approached me. While some scientists usually don’t like physicians using stem cells, this one had pain in the base of the thumb and asked if I could help. I just received an e-mail back from her,…read more

Hand Surgery Side Effects That Can Easily Be Avoided…

If you’ve ever wondered why sometimes I seem to be a bit “anti-surgery,” you would only need to spend a day with me in clinic to find out why. We see surgery train wrecks day in and day out. What makes them so upsetting is that most of the time, the surgery could have been…read more

Treating Hand Arthritis and Trigger Finger with PRP

Dr. Pitts discusses how we treat hand arthritis and trigger finger through precise injections of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and our 4th generation platelet lysate. Enjoy!

There’s a Reason Success Rates for Wrist Replacement Are So Low: It Isn’t the Answer!

You never realize how big a deal your hands are until something goes wrong with them and all of a sudden you can’t write, carry things, or type without pain. There are few good treatment options for problems with wrist arthritis and pain at the base of the thumb, and a recent study showing a scary low…read more

Thumb Arthritis Surgery Recovery: What a Mess…

We can help the majority of patients with thumb arthritis without the need for invasive surgery. However, we also see some patients we can’t help. One such patient tried a platelet injection to avoid a protracted thumb arthritis surgery recovery and this didn’t help. So rather than moving on to the next step in our…read more

Neck and Thumb Pain: A Doctor’s Personal Story

Are neck and thumb pain connected? Can a nerve in your neck cause hand arthritis? In the early summer, I had a pinched nerve in my neck and shortly thereafter, on the hand that was getting numb, evidence of early arthritis appeared in that thumb joint. Believe it or not, these two things are quite…read more

Foot Fusion Complications and Wrist Surgery Side Effects: A Tale of Two Screws…

If you’re concerned about foot fusion complications or wrist surgery side effects…read on. This week I evaluated two patients who have been regrettably bitten by the big complications associated with big orthopedic surgery procedures. Both back to back patients had an issue with a screw placed to electively fuse an area in hopes of relieving pain…read more

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recovery: Does Cutting the Ligament Have Consequences?

Carpal tunnel surgery has become a standard surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, a problem that occurs when the median nerve gets chronically pinched at the wrist. The surgery is simple, cut the ligament that normally covers the carpal tunnel to give the nerve more breathing room. However, does cutting the transverse carpal ligament (TCL)…read more
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