Knee Conditions

Knee conditions encompass a variety of musculoskeletal problems affecting the knee joint, surrounding tissues, or structures. These conditions can include injuries, degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, ligament tears, or cartilage damage, leading to pain, swelling, and reduced mobility in the knee.

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Knee Steroid Injection Side Effects

We’ve known for awhile that local anesthetic and steroid shots can produce side effects for stem cells and cartilage cells. Local anesthetics are a common component of knee steroid shots. We’ve been amazed at the toxicity of one commonly used numbing agent in knee steroid shots called Bupivicane (also known as Marcaine). A recent literature review on the topic I performed…read more

Can a Baker’s Cyst be Treated without Surgery?

A doctor discusses a new method to get rid of a knee Baker's cyst using less invasive imaging guided injections rather surgery.

Understanding what Happens when a Torn Knee Meniscus Displaces

A doctor discusses what happens when knee surgery causes the meniscus to tear and displace outside the joint. An innovative non-surgical treatment for this problem is discussed.

17 Month Follow-up in a Patient with a Unispacer Implant

This is a quick follow-up on a then 60 year old patient (RH) with bilateral titanium unispacers that were placed several years before being considered for our procedure. This knee spacer system is very unique. Once one knee compartment has collapsed due to degeneration or surgical removal of the meniscus, it allows the surgeon to…read more
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