Knee Health

Knee health refers to the overall well-being and function of the knee joint, including its structures and surrounding tissues. It is essential for mobility, stability, and participation in daily activities, emphasizing the importance of maintaining strength, flexibility, and proper biomechanics to prevent injuries and promote longevity.

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Squats and Cartilage Loss -or- “Squat Lift Knee Arthritis”

What is “Squat Lift Knee Arthritis’?  Well, one common gym activity that we see cause injury is the weight lifting squat. Usually, it will cause low back disc injuries, as carrying hundreds of pounds on your back and flexing your spine can be a bad thing (who knew?) This week a paper was published showing a connection…read more

Knee Inside Pain: The Tennis Elbow of the Knee

I was curious to see what patients were being shown about pain at the inside of the knee so I performed a web search. The term, “knee inside pain” popped up so I clicked on it. What was interesting was that almost all of the information about pain at the inside of the knee was…read more

What does the latest research say about VMO strengthening exercises?

What does the latest research have to say about VMO strengthening exercises?  I blogged awhile back on how weak gluteal (butt) muscles may cause patellofemoral syndrome (knee cap arthritis otherwise known as chondromalacia patella). The exercise prescription usually given to patients with knee cap tracking issues is VMO strengthening exercises (VMO=vastus medialis obliquus muscle-inside of the big…read more

Do Knee Replacement Patients have a Dramatically Increased Risk for Certain Cancers?

A doctor discusses research showing large elevations in the risk for certain types of cancer in patients who had knee replacement surgery.

MRI Meniscus Tear Study Totally Misses the Point-Most Meniscus Tears should not be Surgically Treated

A doctor discusses the research showing that surgery for a torn meniscus may not be a good idea.

Understanding what Happens when a Torn Knee Meniscus Displaces

A doctor discusses what happens when knee surgery causes the meniscus to tear and displace outside the joint. An innovative non-surgical treatment for this problem is discussed.
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