Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Mesenchymal stem cells (or “MSCs”) are multipotent stem cells found in bone marrow that are important for making and repairing skeletal tissues, such as cartilage and bone. Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including osteoblasts (bone cells), chondrocytes (cartilage cells), myocytes (muscle cells), and adipocytes (fat cells which give rise to marrow adipose tissue).

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Stem Cell Cartilage Regeneration: What Everyone With Joint Pain Should Know

I love talking to patients in the clinic, as it gives me a never ending stream of ideas for stem cell related blog posts. Social media also provides a way to understand what patients are thinking and we recently received this question about stem cell cartilage regeneration, which I’ll attempt to answer below: “I recently had an appointment…read more

Nerve Regeneration – The Future Doesn’t Involve Surgery

Regenexx first began treating injured nerves using orthobiologics delivered via ultrasound guidance in 2012. However, the concept that a precise injection can help nerve regeneration was so revolutionary that we were reluctant to really shout it from the roof tops until we had enough experience under our belt to be sure that it was working. After a few years of…read more

Cyplexinol Review 2: More of the BMP Shuffle…

Last year I was contacted by a marketing agent on Twitter about the “research” supporting a new supplement called Cyplexinol. When I dug into this supplement, what I found was very disturbing. Yesterday a physician who uses stem cells sent me a copy of the company’s most recent e-mail ad campaign which looks as factually…read more

How Much Human Stem Cell Research is There?

(Click here for a larger view) Every year or so I summarize all of the human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell research in orthopedics. At first this exercise began to answer the simple question of how much research do we have using real patients? Is it a lot or a little? After all, many in…read more

The Research: Steroids Hammer Stem Cells!

Steroids are widely used in Orthopedic care like water, sprinkled here and there for good measure in arthritis and surgical procedures alike. We’ve known for sometime that these high dose steroids are horrible for cartilage and other cells, but there hasn’t been much published on how they impact stem cells. A recent study adds to the…read more

New Study Suggests Stem Cell Doping in Bodybuilding or Sports is on the Horizon…

What do stem cells have to do with body building? Turns out quite a bit. According to a new paper, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) injected into muscles followed by eccentric exercise will make muscle cells more numerous and bigger. Mesenchymal stem cells and other adult stem cells live throughout your body in nearly every tissue.…read more

What Do All of these Stem Cell Numbers Mean? A Doctor-Patient Guide

On a LinkedIn discussion board I recently explained the difference between CFUs and stem cell counts and a medical device rep pinged me to ask if I would explain more, as he found that explanation helpful. One of the more confusing things out there these days are references to stem cell numbers. 99% of the…read more

A Question about HGH and Stem Cells: The Regenexx Research Lab

A look into The Regenexx Research Lab…. I received an e-mail yesterday from a patient asking what I thought about HGH and stem cells, or more specifically adding (Human Growth Hormone) to stem cells. He stated that a Florida clinic routinely does this and other clinics have begun to emulate the practice. I responded that since we were…read more
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