Pain relief

Pain relief aims to alleviate or reduce discomfort using various methods such as medications, physical therapy, or alternative therapies like acupuncture. Its primary goal is to improve quality of life by minimizing pain intensity and restoring normal functioning for individuals experiencing acute or chronic pain.

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An Update on the Magic Wolverine Peptide Called BPC-157

If you’re a Marvel fan, you’ll know one of my favorite characters called Wolverine. Logan is a bada$$ that can heal so quickly that he’s impossible to kill. So when companies began to advertise a peptide they named after Wolverine, the sales went nuts. After all, who wouldn’t want to heal like a superhero? However,…read more

Headaches, Blind Men, and an Elephant

Headaches are one of the most confusing problems for patients searching for solutions. Like the elephant and the blind men in the famous parable, each medical specialty seems to have a completely different way of conceptualizing this problem. Let’s dig in. Blind Men and an Elephant This is the parable from Wikipedia: “The parable of…read more

What Does the Length of Recovery after Orthobiologics Say About Your Condition?

One of the things that is critical to understand for any patient getting an Orthobiologic procedure is how fast you recover usually tells us something about your medical condition. In particular, patients that enter into a prolonged recovery may have more issues that spell trouble long-term. Hence, let’s dive into that issue this morning. The…read more

Pain After Back Surgery: Tracy’s Story

Can we help failed back surgery patients? That’s one of the most common questions I get from patients with chronic back pain. The answer is often “yes” and today I’ll cover Tracy’s journey with the DDD procedure. Let’s dig in. Failed Low Back Syndrome One of my favorite movie quotes of all time comes from…read more

What’s Causing Your Side-of-Knee Pain? Let’s Focus on the Outside

On this page: Why does the side of my knee hurt? Ligaments Muscles and tendons Meniscus Nerves Knee arthritis What painkiller is best for knee pain? Do you have pain on the side of your knee? All kinds of things may be going through your mind, but what could actually be causing it? Many things,…read more

StemShot Review II: Is the Umbilical Cord “Stem Cell” Game More About Business than Medicine?

One of the most bizarre things about amniotic and umbilical cord “stem cell” products is that if these products really had living stem cells, they would be illegal cellular drugs in violation of US Food and Drug law. Of course, every one we’ve tested consists of dead and dying cells, so that’s good in one…read more

We Should Never Be Proud of MRIs That Show Holes Burned in Patient’s Bodies…

A new study was recently published on a new treatment for back pain due to degenerative discs. Ordinarily, I would be excited, as what’s not to like about another treatment option for back-pain patients. However, the problem with this one is that it works by blasting a hole in the vertebrae? Yep, you heard that…read more

Dramatic Improvement in Severely Degenerated Cervical Joint Without Surgery

I’ve spent the last 12 years staring at MRIs before and after orthopedic stem cell treatments. I’ve seen some incredible things in many conditions and some MRIs that didn’t change. This past week, as I reviewed the MRI of a patient with a severely degenerated cervical facet joint that we had treated at our licensed facility…read more
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