Patient Advocacy

Explore patient advocacy, empowering individuals to navigate healthcare and make informed decisions. Discover how advocates provide guidance, resources, and emotional support, promoting improved healthcare outcomes and patient-centered care.

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NSAIDs Side Effects: Does Taking NSAIDs Injure the GI Tract?

NSAIDs are so commonly prescribed that they might as well be put in the water supply, which would be a good idea if they weren’t so darned dangerous. Due to the severe health risks associated with NSAIDs side effects, even the American Heart Association has pushed to limit NSAID prescriptions. Unfortunately, providers keep prescribing them…read more

Suicide in Chronic Pain Patients

A few months ago, a special patient of mine decided that the pain in her body and life was too much and she ended her life. After taking care of patients with chronic pain of one type of another for more than 30 years, like many physicians who care for these patients, I have seen…read more


I love blogging about my experiences in clinic, especially the ones that make my blood boil. One of those blood boiling issues is steroid injection risks. This past week, while seeing patients at our licensed, advanced stem-cell-culture site in Grand Cayman, I saw a guy whose hip MRI from December wasn’t that bad. In fact,…read more

Narcotics Cause Chronic Pain: No Surprises Here…

We are in the middle of an epidemic of deaths due to narcotics fueled by pharma. It’s become vogue again for the media to discuss this issue, since the death of Prince, but the problem has always been there. Now a new study out of my neck of the woods (University of Colorado) shows why…read more

Top 10 Questions to Ask a Stem Cell Clinic

Orthopedic stem cell providers are not all created equal. When making the decision to put all of your trust into a stem cell clinic and physician, it’s important that you know the right questions to ask—and just as important that you know whether or not you’re getting the right answers. Our top 10 questions to…read more

ITB Release Surgery – What Orthopedic Surgeons Won’t Tell You

Tight ITBs (iliotibial bands) are a cottage industry now. There are many cool devices designed to loosen up your ITB and a trip to any local gym will always turn up a few individuals aggressively stretching this area. When these efforts fail to produce results, some people turn to ITB release surgery. And while ITB release surgery may seem like…read more

Athletic Pubalgia Surgery Wrecks a Life

“I tell you Boris, that one of these days we’ll look in to our microscope and find ourselves staring right into God’s eyes, and the first one who blinks is going to lose his testicles.”-Harry Wolper Early on in my career, I had my first brush with what I now call a “Disturbingly Dumb Surgery”.…read more
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