Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are injuries sustained during physical activity or sports participation, ranging from minor strains and sprains to more severe fractures or ligament tears. Prompt medical attention and appropriate rehabilitation are crucial for optimal recovery and preventing long-term complications that may impact sports performance and overall physical health.

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Is Playing on a Sprained Ankle Safe?

On this page: What is an ankle sprain? What is joint instability? What happens if you play on a sprained ankle? How can a doctor tell if you have an unstable ankle? How can you treat these lax ankle ligaments? I can’t tell you how many trashed ankles we have seen through the years because the…read more

Spondylolysis Treatment Options: Healing the Spine with an Injection Rather than Surgery

What happens when a precise stem cell injection is used instead of surgery to treat spondylolysis? This is the story of NH, an Ivy League wrestler whose career was stopped in its tracks by a traumatic fracture of the spine called spondylolysis. His parents knew that fusing this young man’s spine at his young age…read more

My Calf Muscle Tear Was Caused by My Low Back

This week I had what I call my first “old man” injury, a calf muscle tear while climbing the stairs. Really? Climbing the stairs? What am I, 80? In addition, I should have known that I was high risk for something like this as I had warning signs screaming for the last several weeks. In…read more

Hip Impingement Causes: Is Instability the Culprit?

What is Hip FAI?  Are there Hip Impingement causes that I can address, or is FAI inevitable? These are common questions patients ask themselves. The answer may be that your hip has been unstable for many years and those bone spurs that your surgeon wants to whack out may be all that’s protecting your hip joint!…read more

ACL Surgery Return to Sports: Few Ready to Return to Play by 8 Months!

There’s a push right now in ACL surgery return to sports to shorten the time actually needed for recovery. For some surgeons, this means telling patients that they can return to sports by 6-8 months. Now a new study questions the wisdom of those recommendations. First, the ACL is a main stabilizing ligament of the knee. When…read more

Want to Shorten High Ankle Sprain Recovery Time? Get Your Platelets Injected for a Faster Recovery

High ankle sprain recovery time can be long because the ankle is often unstable. PRP or platelet rich plasma has been a hot topic in orthopedic care this past few years. While PRP has been shown to help tendonitis better than traditional steroid treatments, one big question was whether it could be used to get…read more

Read Your Own Back MRI for Multifidus Atrophy-A Major Cause of Low Back Pain

So now you know what a “multifidus” is and why it’s so critical that you find out if your major low back stabilizing system if off line. However, 99.999% of the time (in my experience), radiologists fail to read whether this muscle is normal or atrophied, despite copious research that a atrophied (read weaker) multifidus is associated…read more

How Important is it for Athletes to Fix Lax Ankle Ligaments after a Sprain?

Loose ankles? We’re often told that after an ankle sprain, we should just let it heal. Even after they heal, is the laxity caused by these stretched out ligaments causing more problems? What effects do loose ankles have in athletes? A recent study sought to answer this question by looking at 86 volunteers at a military academy…read more
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