Bone Marrow Concentrate

Bone marrow concentrate (or “Concentrated Bone Marrow” or “Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate” or “BMAC”), is a concentrated form of autologous bone marrow. Bone marrow concentrate is the result of centrifuging bone marrow to obtain a smaller volume which is more highly concentrated with cells and growth factors and therefore more useful as an injectate.

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New Knee Arthritis BMC Study Adds More Confusion

It’s hard for patients to understand that in some fields, academics are way behind their private-practice counterparts. One of those fields used to be interventional spine care, but the academic system eventually caught up. One of those right now is regenerative medicine, where academics are, for the most part, just figuring out which end is up.…read more

Our Annual Stem Cell Research in Orthopedics Update—2016 Edition

Every year for the last few, I’ve created an infographic summarizing stem cell research in orthopedics. Every year, the list gets bigger and the number of patient results represented grows. This year is no different! (Click here for a larger view) How Is This Created? I searched the US National Library of Medicine under several…read more

How Much Human Stem Cell Research is There?

(Click here for a larger view) Every year or so I summarize all of the human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell research in orthopedics. At first this exercise began to answer the simple question of how much research do we have using real patients? Is it a lot or a little? After all, many in…read more

Microfracture Knee Alternatives: RIP Knee Microfracture?

Knee microfracture surgery is a common method used for cartilage repair. But does it work? A recent study says that microfracture knee alternatives should be used because the procedure is ineffective and should be abandoned. Knee microfracture is used for potholes in the cartilage. The theory is that poking or drilling small holes in the bone…read more

Should a marrow draw be painful?

A bone marrow aspirate involves using a needle to take a sample of whole marrow (looks like thick blood) from the back of the hip area (PSIS). When we first started this medical procedure, we assumed that a bone marrow aspiration must be a very painful process. As a result, we had an anesthesiologist perform…read more
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