Bone Repair

Bone repair is the body’s natural process of healing and restoring damaged bone tissue. This intricate mechanism involves a series of cellular and molecular events that work together to rebuild and remodel the injured area. While the body’s ability to repair bone is impressive, the success of bone repair can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the injury and overall health.

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Can The Patient’s Bone Marrow Heal a Fracture Non-union?

There’s nothing worse than having a fracture and waiting for months for it to heal only to find out it’s not healing. That’s what happened to a recent patient I treated in Grand Cayman. While his orthopedic surgeon wanted to pull the trigger on a second big surgery, he opted to use his own bone…read more

Skeletal Stem Cells Found Living in the Growth Plates May One Day Make Us Taller

Skeletal stem cells may hold the key to expanding regenerative treatment for skeletal issues in the future. The problem is finding and identifying them, but it seems one type may be living in the growth plates of long bones.

Should We Be Cementing Fractured Back Bones?

This is an interesting blog for me to write. On the one hand, I have colleagues that perform vertebroplasty to treat thoracic compression fractures and say that it can be amazing, older people get rolled in and walk out. On the other hand, the idea of bone cement, an artificial substance to glue bones back…read more

Scientists Turn to Curcumin to Find a Better Way to 3D Print Bone?

Of all the myriad of supplements out there, curcumin has been the star of the last few years. While supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin have been quietly adding studies that show they can help arthritis, curcumin has been stealing the show. Now a new study puts this Indian spice back into the spotlight, this time…read more

Wear Debris in Joint Replacement and Genetic Problems

Wear debris is a big issue in knee and hip replacement as we now have many studies that show that many types of prostheses produce these small particles. However, if you’ve already had a joint replacement or are considering one, a new study should be very concerning. It found that this wear debris can cause…read more

High Chromium Levels in a Hip Replacement Patient

Is there such a thing as hip replacement chromium poisoning? I’ve blogged before about how wear particles in all types of joint replacements can make their way into the blood stream. Researchers have found metal ions in the blood of knee replacement patients. They also now advise allergy testing against the most common metals used in hip and…read more
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