Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry comprises organizations and professionals devoted to delivering medical services and treatment to individuals. It plays a crucial role in promoting public health, addressing medical needs, and advancing research to enhance patient outcomes.

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Is Amniotic Stem Cell Therapy Covered by Insurance?

One of the more bizarre twists in the amniotic “stem cell” scams out there is that certain physicians claim to be able to get an insurance company to reimburse for the procedure. I’ve also seen the same with the Lipogems system. Is this true? Nope, what’s really happening is an illegal misuse of billing codes that can…read more

R3 Stem Cell Stroke Treatment Review

If you read this blog, you know I get sent info from colleagues all the time. This morning I’d like to dig into a press release by R3, a company that sells and markets amniotic and cord tissue as “stem cell” treatments. The focus of this release is treating the problems associated with stroke, and it…read more

Supplements vs. Prescription Modafinil: Which Makes You Smarter?

Let’s face it, we MDs can be pretty smug sometimes. We often believe that with our universities and research, we know it all. Hence, I love studies that show that sometimes all of what we think we know isn’t enough. The most fun “naked in Times Square” moments for modern pharmaceutical-based medicine are when a…read more

What are Exosomes? How Do they Work?

You may have recently seen physicians advertising exosome therapy. Or if you’re a doctor, you may have been hit up by a sales rep claiming to sell exosomes. What the heck are exosomes? Are they better than stem cells? How do they work? Let’s delve into this topic this morning What Are Exosomes? Cells communicate…read more

Stem Cell Seminars: 7 Questions to Separate Real from Hype

There’s been an explosion in clinics offering stem cells for orthopedic treatments in the last few years. The most aggressive blanket major metro areas, taking out full-page ads on the front pages of major newspapers, putting on large stem cell seminars that double as high-pressure sales events. As a consumer, especially one making medical decisions…read more

Stem Cell Institute of America: The Plot Thickens

As I sit here and write this, I’m in a bit of a time crunch. You see, getting better and better at regenerative medicine is hard. There are physicians to educate in advanced image-guided injection procedures, research that needs to be completed or published, fellows that need to be taught, advances in the lab and the…read more

How Regenexx Lab Research Is Second to None

Yesterday I posted about the engine that drives us here at Regenexx: our clinical research. Today I’d like to follow that up with why Regenexx Lab Research is truly second to none in practical, rubber meets the road, orthobiologics research. Regenexx Lab Research So how does a regenerative-medicine clinic do research? To do it well…read more

Outcomes, Complication Rates, and Stem Cell Procedures

Given the quite reasonable concerns this past week over the blinding of three women by a stem cell clinic injecting fat stem cells into eyes, I thought it was time to take a look at stem-cell-procedure complications. All medical procedures have complications. So what bar can we use to see if those complications are reasonable, and…read more
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