Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders encompass a wide range of conditions affecting the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons, often leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Our blog series explores the various types of musculoskeletal disorders, their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, providing valuable insights for managing these conditions and improving quality of life.

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Are Tight Hamstrings and Knee Pain Connected?

The single most consistent complaint I hear from my patients who come to see me for knee arthritis or low back pain is that they have tight hamstrings. This creates the obvious question…Are tight hamstrings and knee pain related? I’ve blogged a number of times on the connections between mild low back nerve irritation (that…read more

Back Fusion Outcome: Fusion Leads to Dead Multifidus

Decisions in Medicine like most things are based on risk vs. benefit.  There are life saving procedures and surgeries where the answer is clear, but in non emergency situations, are we doing greater good than harm?  A new study looks at the potential damage done to the multifidus in the common surgery, back fusion. So what is…read more

Foot Arch Knee Pain? Research Links Your Foot Navicular Bone Position to Your Knee

Can you have foot arch knee pain? Yesterday I watched the inaugural Boulder Iron man Race. As the runners filed by, I couldn’t help but notice their gait. In some, according to a new study, not paying attention to a little bone in their feet may be frying the cartilage in their knees. First, as…read more

What Is the Thoracodorsal Fascia and Why Should You Care?

What if I told you that there’s an important structure holding your spine together that you’ve never heard of? In fact, your doctor has also likely never heard of this structure nor does he likely know what it does. The structure is the TDF and the thoracodorsal fascia function is to hold your lower spine…read more

Should You get Hip PAO Surgery?

What the heck is periacetabular osteotomy (Hip PAO surgery)? We have been concerned about the rapid rise in hip labrum and CAM impingement surgeries for FAI. However, this picture above tells a whole new story, one that moves our concern level up several notches  A colleague recently sent us this picture of a professional fighter who went…read more

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Infographic

The rewrite of the Orthopedics 2.0 book will take the form of various infographics which will introduce each chapter. The goal of this new format will be to provide an easy to read and graphical version of various topics and then also provide supporting in-depth text for each section as well. This Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Infographic…read more

Knee PCL Laxity Fixed through a Needle

What are PCL treatment options? You may never have heard of the knee PCL ligament, although its name sounds a little like its more popular brother – the knee ACL. PCL stands for posterior cruciate ligament. This is the “duct tape” type ligament that keeps your knee from going too far backwards that lives right next to the ACL.…read more
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