Nonsurgical Treatment Options

Nonsurgical treatment options, such as Regenexx® procedures, provide effective alternatives to surgery for orthopedic pain, including osteoarthritis, joint injuries, spine pain, overuse conditions, and sports injuries. These treatments use advanced, research-based methods to concentrate and precisely apply a patient’s own cells to promote natural healing.

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Do You Have Back Pain When Getting Up from a Chair?

Back pain when getting up from a chair is a big problem that’s rarely talked about. In fact, I hear my patients with back pain complain about this issue many times a month. What’s up? Let’s dig in. Back Pain when Getting Up from a Chair When someone with low back pain has trouble getting…read more

The Popliteus Muscle: A Little Muscle with a HUGE Impact

I love writing about what I experience on a day-by-day basis. This weekend, I was sitting awhile and went to get up and had lateral knee pain. Misery followed and it took me a day or so to find the culprit. So let’s learn today about the Popliteus muscle, a tiny thing that can screw…read more

Physiologic Dose Anti-inflammatory Injections

Steroid anti-inflammatory injections can cause tissue damage. Why? Given that the body uses steroids to control inflammation, how could an injection of steroids be bad? Let’s dig in. Anti-inflammatories and the Body Corticosteroids are substances that reduce inflammation. The body uses a corticosteroid called hydrocortisone (Cortisol) at very low levels. How low? 60-230 nanograms per…read more

What Is Capsular Distension?

One of the procedures we perform is capsular distension. What is this and why is it done? Let’s dig in. Understanding How Joints Move and Can Lose Motion Joints like the hip and shoulder are ball in socket joints surrounded by a covering called a joint capsule. In order to get needed motion, the joint…read more

It’s Ask Dr. C Time Again!

It’s time to hone your questions about orthobiologics or your joint, tendon, ligament, or spine problems. This is when you leave your burning questions in the comments below and I answer them in a long format, highlighted on the blog. Can’t wait to see what great questions readers come up with!

An Artist’s Hand and Avoiding Thumb Surgery

Thumb arthritis is a major problem for all of us, but much worse for those of us who use our hands. This is the story of a revolutionary non-surgical procedure for those with CMC arthritis and an artist who got his grove back. Let’s dig in. What Is the Thumb CMC Joint? The thumb has…read more

Our Study on the PICL Procedure for Craniocervical Instability

We have an open study on the new PICL procedure to treat craniocervical instability. Given that the procedure is delivered at no charge and we have seen great interest in this type of treatment, I thought it was important to get this out there. Let’s dig in. What is CCI and the PICL Procedure? CCI…read more

Stem Cell Treatment for Neuropathy? Can You Tell a Scam from Real?

We get sent questions all of the time by patients. One recent question was about the difference between what a clinic chain says it offers as stem cell treatment for neuropathy and what we do. Since this is also a great way to explain the way to look for clinics that have high expertise in…read more
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