Shoulder Conditions

Shoulder conditions encompass a range of injuries and ailments affecting the shoulder joint, muscles, and tendons. These conditions can include rotator cuff injuries, shoulder impingement, dislocations, and arthritis, often resulting in pain, limited mobility, and decreased quality of life.

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Shoulder Steroid Injection Side Effects: Shocking New Research!

This has been a bad few years for traditional medicine concepts like steroid and anesthetic shots to help relieve pain. Numerous studies have shown that these shots are highly toxic to local tissues. Despite this, physicians continue to deliver millions of these shots per year to unsuspecting patients. Now a new study continues the trend,…read more

Shoulder Surgery Bone Spur Removal Causes Problems

I commonly see patients with chronic shoulder pain who have undergone a shoulder surgery bone spur removal to “open up” the shoulder. Known as distal clavicular resection, it’s one of the most commonly performed shoulder surgeries with rotator cuff repair. New research now shows that the surgery doesn’t help and leads to more shoulder instability…read more

What Causes Shoulder Arthritis?

What causes shoulder arthritis? See that shoulder x-ray up there with that big bone spur in the bottom of the joint? That scares me. This past month or two, my shoulders have been aching. As a now 50 year old physician who loves to lift weights, maybe this shouldn’t be too surprising? However, I’ve also…read more

40% of Shoulder Replacements in Patients Younger than 55 Fail by 10 Years!

The web shows young and active people who are advertising shoulder replacements for clinics and manufacturers. But does that square with the research about young and active people and shoulder replacement recovery? First, total shoulder replacements are big surgery, and like hand joint replacement or an ankle joint replacement surgery, shoulder replacements can be problematic. The big…read more

Shoulder Impingement: Are You getting Trapped by Your Trap?

Should you be looking for a shoulder surgery alternative? For the last several decades, many of the patients who have been told that they have shoulder impingement have had surgery to “release” the shoulder. In many ways it’s this phenomenon which led to our current hip impingement surgery craze. So what is shoulder impingement? The…read more

Rotator Cuff Surgery in Patients over 60: All is not Roses

Do patients over 60 have the same rotator cuff surgery recovery? We often believe that getting surgery is like taking your car into get repaired-all potential upside with no downside. However, many studies have shown significant complication rates for common joint surgeries such as knee replacement and hip replacement. A recent study looked at a very commonly…read more

New Study: Calcium Deposits in Shoulder Tendons can be Treated Effectively without Surgery

A doctor discusses how to get rid of calcium deposits in shoulder tendons without surgery.

Getting Rid of Shoulder Trigger Points: An Effective Therapy to Help Avoid Shoulder Surgery?

A doctor discusses how a few acupuncture needles may be able to help you avoid shoulder surgery.
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