Success and Failure Rates

Success and failure rates of medical procedures, including stem cell treatments, are crucial but often not fully understood. Comprehensive statistics on treatment outcomes are essential and require tracking patients over time in registries.

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Spinal Stenosis Injections: Never Trust a Back MRI!

Patients considering spinal stenosis injections often come into the office with back pain with thier MRI CDs, believing that this shiny data disc holds the key to their salvation. This makes sense, as many are desperate at that point, their low back having betrayed them by leaving them unable to do what they need to…read more

Foot Fusion Complications and Wrist Surgery Side Effects: A Tale of Two Screws…

If you’re concerned about foot fusion complications or wrist surgery side effects…read on. This week I evaluated two patients who have been regrettably bitten by the big complications associated with big orthopedic surgery procedures. Both back to back patients had an issue with a screw placed to electively fuse an area in hopes of relieving pain…read more

Severe Buttocks Pain After a Fall: A Patient’s Story

On this page: RP’s story Diagnosing the severe buttocks pain Treating a hematoma in the buttocks RP is an elderly physician who I met in the most unlikely of circumstances. He was performing a life insurance physical on me and I noticed he had a cane. We struck up a conversation about his severe buttock…read more

Knee Stem Cell Injections in a Patient with Recurring Knee Pain after Micro Fracture Surgery

Can we help a patient who has returning knee pain after micro fracture surgery with just an injection of his own stem cells? Do you have knee pain after microfracture surgery? TM is a 50 year old male who was first seen by our clinic in June of 2011 with a 3-4 year history of left knee…read more

Squat Injuries-You Mean Lifting Large Amounts of Weight with your Spine is a Bad Idea?

Squat injuries? We frequently see low back pain patients who injure themselves performing a squat lift, where the weight lifting bar is held by the shoulders and neck and a squat-type movement is performed. Squats and dead lifts  (where the athlete bends forward and lifts a barbell to a standing position), are the most common weight lifting…read more

Ankle Pain after an Ankle Joint Replacement

A doctor discusses how replacing a joint just based on how bad it looks on x-ray or MRI can lead to disastrous consequences.
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