He Blinded Me with Science! David Singer Strikes Again

I wrote about David Singer a while back. He’s a chiropractic practice consultant who has now reinvented himself as a stem cell expert. IMHO, he and others like him are helping to perpetuate stem cell fraud in hundreds of chiropractic clinics all over the country. Today we’ll dig into the fraudulent use of research to support this bizarre enterprise.

Who Is David Singer?

David Singer is a Scientologist chiropractor who has long advertised his ability to help chiropractors grow their practices. I covered David’s new vocation as a “stem cell expert” who was teaching chiropractors how to sell dead stem cell products passed off as an actual stem cell therapy. Now David has moved onto a new scam. Convincing people that the results obtained from real stem cell therapies have anything to do with the fake stem cell therapies he’s selling. Let’s dive into what’s up.

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The Research Page

One of the areas that are often abused by fake chiropractic stem cell clinics is using a “Research Page” on their website. Why is this an issue? Because it’s a classic bait and switch fraud. The clinic uses a dead amniotic or umbilical cord product but convinces patients that it’s actually chocked full of millions of live and “young” stem cells and the research quoted on their website has nothing to do with that dead birth tissue product. A bit like selling a beat-up Chevy on Craigslist, but including consumer reports tests on a Rolls Royce Phantom.

Now let’s look at David Singer’s research page. It too is full of papers and blog posts that have nothing to do with the products he sells or the procedures he teaches:

The five papers I have circled above from Dr. Singer’s site are in fact 5 blog posts from both my blog and Dr. Schultz’s. These are all shoulder cases that used either culture-expanded mesenchymal stem cells or bone marrow concentrate. They also used advanced imaging guidance to place the cells. None of this has anything to do with the dead birth tissue product that Dr. Singer teaches chiropractors and mid-levels to inject. Again, this is a classic bait and switch fraud.

On another note, does David Singer have permission to publish our copyrighted work on his web-site? Nope.

The Other Research

The other research listed on the site involves using:

  • Cultured bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells-4 studies
  • Culture expanded umbilical cord stem cells derived from Wharton’s Jelly-1 study
  • Culture expanded amniotic stem cells-1 study
  • The surgical use of amnion to treat two ruptured tendons-1 study
  • Muscle derived stem cells-1 study
  • A handful of review papers on the use of mesenchymal stem cells

Do living isolated and cultured mesenchymal stem cells from birth tissue have anything to do with the dead amnion and umbilical cord tissue sold by Singer? Nope. None of these papers has anything to do with what Dr. Singer sells or teaches. Again, a classic bait and switch fraud.

Why Is this happening?

I wish I could say that this was the first bait and switch research page on a scam chiropractic “stem cell” website that I have ever seen. Regrettably, I’ve seen dozens. So given that this is a clear fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of the chiropractor, why is this happening?

Sometimes it happens because the chiropractors don’t know any better. Their knowledge of stem cell science is so poor that they fail to ever read and digest the literature showing that the stuff they inject doesn’t contain any live mesenchymal stem cells. They may also not understand that taking live birth tissues and digesting out the stem cells with an enzyme then culturing those cells over weeks to get more is a world apart from what they’re using.

Sometimes they understand the nature of the fraud they’re perpetuating, but they have boxed themselves into a corner. In my opinion, this is the special place in which Singer finds himself. David began his courses with the idea that he was selling stem cells to his client chiropractic clinics. Initially, this was due to a lack of understanding of the basic science of regenerative medicine. Then came the research showing that this was fraudulent. Then came my blog where I called his birth tissue supplier who admitted that she wasn’t selling him a live stem cell product. However, at that point, to change his tune at that point would have spelled financial disaster. To learn more about the birth tissues scam, watch my video below:

However, David did make a few changes. His web-site now uses the term “stem cell tissue”. However, he still has this video up on youtube:

Which says, “Hi, this is Dr. David Singer and I’m sending you this video email to invite you to come and spend some time with me to learn how to do stem cell from A to Z.”

The upshot? IMHO David Singer is still defrauding his clients and their patients by maintaining the sham that he is selling them stem cells in a bottle. That’s now gone as far as placing research on his website that has nothing to do with what he sells and teaches, all to continue the illusion that he’s selling his clients stem cells. As I often say, you can’t make this stuff up.

Chris Centeno, MD is a specialist in regenerative medicine and the new field of Interventional Orthopedics. Centeno pioneered orthopedic stem cell procedures in 2005 and is responsible for a large amount of the published research on stem cell use for orthopedic applications. View Profile

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