Conservative Care

Conservative care refers to non-invasive or minimally invasive treatment approaches aimed at managing health conditions and promoting overall well-being. This approach often emphasizes lifestyle modifications, physical therapy, and other non-surgical interventions to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

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Acupuncturists and Naturopaths and Chiropractors…Oh My!

Becoming an MD or DO physician is hard. Four years of college where you bust your butt to make good enough grades to get into medical school. Four years of medical school where you work hard to get your choice of residency. Then another four years (or more) of residency and fellowship training. By the time…read more

What We Can Learn from a Dead Walking Cat with No Brain

It’s Halloween time, which is a big deal in my house. My wife loves to decorate heavily, and we all get into it as we live in a neighborhood that gets hundreds of kids an hour. At a recent conference, I saw this great video of an old dead-cat experiment, and I thought it was…read more

My Top 7 Tips for Weight Lifting with Back and Neck Pain

I often get asked by back- and neck-pain patients how they should be working out at the gym or with a personal trainer. While there are no published and tested guidelines, what follows is what I have learned through years of trial and error as someone who has both issues and who likes working out.…read more

Lipogems Review: Is This a Fat Stem Cell Procedure?

Lipogems is a fat-processing kit that has gained some popularity the past few years. Near as I can tell, it produces a beautifully cleaned fat graft that is finely chopped. However, many physicians have begun to call this a stem cell procedure. Is that true? What Is Lipogems? Lipogems is a device used to process a…read more

Prolia Side Effects: You Just Can’t Make This One Up

The United States of Pharma is a strange place where companies can take lab discoveries that seem simple and really screw real people up. Today’s entry is a drug called Prolia that I have encountered before. When I looked it up back then, I was astounded and disturbed at how this drug worked. Now it looks…read more

An Update on Our Novel Alar and Transverse Ligament Injection Procedure

Way back when my career was just starting, I got a job with a physician who was involved in auto-accident managed care. This meant that there was a steady stream of neck-injured patients. While many of these patients could be helped, some couldn’t. While it would be attractive to say that these few had psychological…read more

Back to Active Life After Wrist Nonunion Fracture Treatment Without Surgery

While wrist fractures normally heal, sometimes, for whatever reason, they don’t. When a fracture doesn’t heal, this is called a nonunion, or a delayed union, and it can be a nightmare. When a nonunion fracture occurs, the focus will typically turn to surgery. Nonunion fractures aren’t limited to wrists; they can occur in other parts…read more

Lumbar Fusion Is Usually a Business Model, Not Effective Treatment

Surgical fusion hardware is one of the most successful medical business plans ever devised. You take a screw and rods made for a few dollars in China or India and sell them for thousands of dollars. As a result, we’ve gone from a world where implanting hardware in the spines of patients was rare, to…read more
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