Knee Pain

Knee pain refers to discomfort or soreness experienced in or around the knee joint, commonly caused by injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions such as arthritis. It can range from mild to severe and may impact mobility and daily activities, prompting individuals to seek relief through various treatments and interventions.

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Can You Treat a Meniscus Tear Without Surgery?

The research support on using surgery to treat meniscus tears is collapsing. Study after study shows that this common surgery doesn’t work and likely sets patients up for more problems down the road. However, there’s one type of meniscus tear that has been thought to always require surgery – a flipped bucket handle tear. This type…read more

Why are We still Injecting Steroids into Knees and Spines?

Steroid anti-inflammatories are powerful drugs at suppressing swelling. They are very commonly injected into joints that have arthritis and they generally work for a few weeks to months to relieve pain. However, is this a good idea? Many recent studies would argue that this is a really bad practice that should be stopped. There are…read more

Foot Arch Knee Pain? Research Links Your Foot Navicular Bone Position to Your Knee

Can you have foot arch knee pain? Yesterday I watched the inaugural Boulder Iron man Race. As the runners filed by, I couldn’t help but notice their gait. In some, according to a new study, not paying attention to a little bone in their feet may be frying the cartilage in their knees. First, as…read more

Ankle Sprain Knee Pain? The Ankle Bone’s Connected to the Knee Bone…

What if you have ankle sprain knee pain? More precisely, what if you have an ankle injury and later develop knee pain; are they connected? Will your doctor connect the dots? Regrettably, my medical doctor brethren are generally horrible at thinking bio mechanically. A 37 year old personal trainer I just saw in clinic is…read more

Biking after Knee Replacement? New Study Shows Half of Patients Use Pain Medications 1 Year after Surgery

You’ve seen the commercials, happy smiling faces and active people biking after knee replacement. Do People Take Pain Medication After Knee Replacement Surgery? Most of the patients I know believe that their knee replacement will be magical. A big surgery yes, but all of their problems will vanish once they recover from that surgery. Regrettably,…read more

Read Your Own Knee MRI for Patients

As a patient, is it possible to read your own knee MRI? A few days ago a friend with a knee injury had an MRI done. I didn’t get a chance to read it right away so he jumped onto the Internet to find out how to make sense of the slices. He ultimately found…read more

Lateral Release Recovery: Do We Know this Knee Surgery Actually Works?

Why undergo lateral release recovery at all? If I had to create a list of bad knee surgeries just based on the hundreds of patients I’ve seen with failed knee surgeries, lateral release for knee cap tracking problems would be near the top of that list. Based on that experience, it’s another knee surgery with…read more

Knee Nerve Pain? More Evidence that the Pain of Arthritis is Caused by Nerves

Is there such a thing as knee nerve pain? Your joint pain due to arthritis is caused by lost cartilage, right? Likely wrong. There’s been a mounting body of evidence that arthritis itself doesn’t cause pain, and in fact the pain of arthritis (and perhaps arthritis itself in some cases), is caused by nerves. The…read more
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