Patient Outcomes

Discover the measurable results of healthcare interventions on patient health and satisfaction. Explore how treatment effectiveness is gauged through improvements in symptoms, quality of life, and overall satisfaction with care.

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What Does a Proper Low Back Exam Look Like?

Have you ever had the experience of taking your car into a mechanic time and time again, each time something is replaced, and each time your car ends up having the same issues? We would all say that this phenomenon happens because the mechanic didn’t know what was wrong from the outset. This also happens…read more

What Does the Length of Recovery after Orthobiologics Say About Your Condition?

One of the things that is critical to understand for any patient getting an Orthobiologic procedure is how fast you recover usually tells us something about your medical condition. In particular, patients that enter into a prolonged recovery may have more issues that spell trouble long-term. Hence, let’s dive into that issue this morning. The…read more

Checking the Clinical Outcome of Our Network Sites

One of the things that makes Regenexx VERY DIFFERENT is our Clinical Registry and uniformity of treatment across the network. Today I’ll show you how we use this data to help our network sites maximize their outcomes. Let’s dig in. What Is a Treatment Registry? A Treatment Registry is a system that pings patients to…read more

Pain After Back Surgery: Tracy’s Story

Can we help failed back surgery patients? That’s one of the most common questions I get from patients with chronic back pain. The answer is often “yes” and today I’ll cover Tracy’s journey with the DDD procedure. Let’s dig in. Failed Low Back Syndrome One of my favorite movie quotes of all time comes from…read more

How Well Do Hip Replacements Work? New Research Raises Questions…

You can’t watch TV or cruise the Internet without seeing ads for Hip Replacement surgery where you see active people doing everything from riding bikes to climbing mountains. Heck, these ads are even on the buses where I live. However, how realistic is that? Today we’ll focus on new Hip Replacement research that doesn’t really…read more

Understanding Functional Levels in CCI

Our Colorado HQ has become a worldwide treatment site to help Craniocervical Instability patients avoid invasive fusion surgery. In decades of treating these patients, I’ve noticed that patients with this condition have very different levels. To ensure that everyone’s on the same page in understanding which type of patient is being treated, I’ve developed my…read more

Our Latest Publications

Regenexx has always had an active research program with our goal being to try and get a few papers published every year. However, COVID slowed down the publication process for everyone. So we have a bunch of publications coming out all at once now. Let’s dig in. Our Publication Team Yesterday, during one of our…read more

Diabetes Impacts Knee Replacement Outcome

I’ve written a few times through the years about the single biggest preventable health factor that you can change which is type 2 diabetes. It’s a silent killer that impacts all aspects of your body’s functioning. Now, according to a new study, it also hurts your recovery from knee replacement. Let’s dig in. What Is…read more
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