The Interventional Orthobiologics Blog

Blog covering topics and research in interventional orthobiologics, interventional orthopedics, and orthopedic procedures.

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9th Circuit Reverses California CSN Stem Cell Decision

One of the biggest factors causing the stem cell and exosome wild west to careen further out of control these past few years was the Bernal decision in California on the use of SVF and culture-expanded cells. The FDA lost this attempt at controlling these autologous treatments as drugs and appealed the case to the…read more

Platinum Biologics: Beeben 2.0

Remember, back in the 70s and 80s, there was a phrase after the movie Jaws 2 came out, “Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…” I feel that way regarding the last few years’ umbilical cord “stem cell” scams. The FDA and CMS came down hard on the bad…read more

Identifying the Symptoms of a Loose Knee Replacement

by Chaz Fausel, MD
Updated September 6, 2024
(Originally published )
Knee replacements can be an option for someone with severe knee pain and mobility issues. These artificial joints that mimic a natural knee can help restore a person’s ability to do their daily activities. Yet, like any surgical procedure, it comes with the risk of complications. One potential complication is the loosening of the implant.…read more

Understanding Knee Bursitis

by Chaz Fausel, MD
Knee bursitis is the inflammation of fluid-filled sacs around the knee, known as bursae. It can occur due to repetitive motions, constant pressure on the knee, or injuries, and cause pain, tenderness, and swelling.  When experiencing these symptoms, proper diagnosis is crucial. Symptoms like pain and inflammation might be signs of deeper issues like tendon…read more

Heading Back Out for Another Sailing Sabbatical

I am headed back out to Italy for our fall sailing sabbatical. My last trip was in the late spring, and this one will be early this fall. Let’s dig in. Slowing Down on Long-Form Blogs I’ve been reducing my long-form blogs in favor of daily morning LinkedIn posts. Here are the last few of…read more

mVASC is Ground Up Cadaver SubQ Tissue? Huh?

Sometimes, you really can’t make stuff up in this field. This weekend, a colleague emailed me asking if I knew anything about mVasc, as one of his patients had been told it could effectively treat knee and ankle arthritis. I had never heard of this tissue, so I looked it up. It turns out it’s…read more
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