Knee arthritis

Knee arthritis refers to the inflammation and degeneration of the knee joint, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility. It can be caused by various factors, including aging, obesity, previous injuries, or genetic predisposition. The most common types of knee arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and post-traumatic arthritis.

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The Insurance Coverage Bioethics Dilemma

There a raging controversy among physicians since the advent of orthobiologics that I would like to explore. Should a doctor push a patient towards something that may work, but is a bad or “less good” option solely because there is insurance coverage? What ethical responsibility does the physician have to recommend all options and encourage…read more

A Research Update on PRP to Treat Knee Arthritis

It’s been more than a year since I published my infographic on the use of platelet-rich plasma for knee arthritis. Since that time, the pace of PRP research on knee arthritis treatment has quickened. Hence, today, let’s go over what we know now. What is PRP? PRP is when the doctor takes blood from the…read more

Should You Get Knee Nerve Ablation?

On this page: What is nerve ablation used to treat? What does nerve ablation do? What are the types of RFA procedures? Does knee nerve ablation work? How long does it take for a nerve ablation to work? How long do the effects of a nerve ablation last? Do you need a diagnostic block? What…read more

How Long Does Stem Cell Therapy Last for Knees?

One of the biggest questions I get from patients who have knee arthritis and want to avoid knee replacement is how long does stem cell therapy last for knees? Interestingly, we’re the only clinic system on earth that can answer that question as we began offering our patients stem cell therapy for knee arthritis in…read more

What’s Causing Your Side-of-Knee Pain? Let’s Focus on the Outside

On this page: Why does the side of my knee hurt? Ligaments Muscles and tendons Meniscus Nerves Knee arthritis What painkiller is best for knee pain? Do you have pain on the side of your knee? All kinds of things may be going through your mind, but what could actually be causing it? Many things,…read more

Steroid Injections Before Knee Replacement Increases Risk of Complications

We’ve known for a long time now that injecting high-dose steroids into arthritic or painful knees is a dumb idea. Now, new research shows that if a patient who gets a steroid injection goes on to get a knee replacement, they are at higher risk for a complication. I’ll review in a moment, but first,…read more

Knee Arthritis More Severe in Those with Low Back and Knee Pain

Our orthopedic-care model has taught us that if a patient walks in with knee pain, you only perform an exam of and ask questions about the knee. However, the body is far more complex and connected, with the knee just being a specialized part of the leg, which connects to the pelvis and spine. Hence,…read more

More Evidence that Knee Meniscus Surgery Causes Arthritis

You gotta love medicine. In no other profession would something that has been shown to be ineffective continue to be done. As an example, we’ve known for years now that knee meniscus surgery doesn’t work. Despite that, it’s still the most common knee procedure in the United States. We also have some research to show…read more
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