Nonsurgical Treatment Options

Nonsurgical treatment options, such as Regenexx® procedures, provide effective alternatives to surgery for orthopedic pain, including osteoarthritis, joint injuries, spine pain, overuse conditions, and sports injuries. These treatments use advanced, research-based methods to concentrate and precisely apply a patient’s own cells to promote natural healing.

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What Causes Pain Around the Ribs and Back Symptoms?

In this article: Understanding the thoracic spine Causes of pain in the ribs and back Treatment The thoracic spine and ribs are like a no man’s land for many physicians, including spine experts. While many physicians are comfortable treating and diagnosing neck and low back problems when it comes to things like pain around the…read more

The High Volume Pain Clinic Problem or “Churn and Burn”

There’s a disturbing trend recently covered by a news piece I just read. While I had planned on another blog this morning, when you try to write almost every day, you have to go with what gets you going. Today that’s the high-volume Pain Clinics that have been springing up all over the country. Let’s…read more

Stenoclavicular Joint Pain?

How is your shoulder connected to your body and how does that relate to the Sternoclavicular joint? What is Sternoclavicular joint pain? This blog will discuss: What is the Sternoclavicular joint? How is the joint put together? Why does this joint hurt? What kind of pain does it generate? How does the joint work? How…read more

What Are the Intertransverse Ligaments?

As I have said many times, ligaments are the red-headed stepchild of the spine. Meaning they are often ignored by 99% of the physicians treating spine problems. However, they are important and ubiquitous throughout the spine. Today we’ll review the Intertransverse ligaments, what they do, and why they could be causing you problems. Let’s dig…read more

What Does the Length of Recovery after Orthobiologics Say About Your Condition?

One of the things that is critical to understand for any patient getting an Orthobiologic procedure is how fast you recover usually tells us something about your medical condition. In particular, patients that enter into a prolonged recovery may have more issues that spell trouble long-term. Hence, let’s dive into that issue this morning. The…read more

What Is PRGF?

A new treatment called PRGF seems to have become popular this past year with physicians using orthobiologics. What is it? What’s it used for? What’s the evidence behind it? Why should you care? Let’s dig in? What’s the Buzz About? I was recently listening to a number of physicians who use orthobiologics discuss PRGF. There…read more

ANOTHER Study Shows Fusion Is an Expensive Tip

What if a very invasive spine procedure became common to treat degenerative disease despite a high complication rate and multiple studies showing it was ineffective? This would make little common sense, right? However, that’s what has happened with Lumbar Fusion. Now yet another new study shows it doesn’t work. Let’s dig in. What Is DDD…read more

The Orthopedic Delusion that Hip Impingement Should Be Operated

One of the more bizarre trends of the past decade-plus has been the idea that we should be operating on people with Hip Impingement. I’ve been a big critic for two reasons. First, it makes no common sense. Second, the science doesn’t support that we should be doing this to patients. Today we’ll cover a…read more
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