Orthopedic surgery

Orthopedic surgery involves the surgical treatment of musculoskeletal issues, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. This type of surgery aims to restore function, alleviate pain, and improve the quality of life for individuals with injuries, deformities, or degenerative conditions.

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SI Joint Fusion Results and Review

This week I’ve been exchanging emails with a surgeon who does SI joint fusions. It’s been interesting as I’ve been seeing more and more advertising by a company pushing expensive, minimally invasive sacroiliac fusion devices. The surgeon didn’t like a post I did while back on the SI joint fusion technology, so I decided to…read more

The Number of Knee Replacement Risks Increases

A recently published study out of Sweden looked at the medical records of the “entire Swedish population born between 1902 and 1952.” Of those receiving knee replacements, the risk for hip fracture before surgery was low. There was a total of 3,221 patients who had a hip fracture within 10 years following knee replacement, and…read more

There’s a Reason Success Rates for Wrist Replacement Are So Low: It Isn’t the Answer!

You never realize how big a deal your hands are until something goes wrong with them and all of a sudden you can’t write, carry things, or type without pain. There are few good treatment options for problems with wrist arthritis and pain at the base of the thumb, and a recent study showing a scary low…read more

Wear Debris in Joint Replacement and Genetic Problems

Wear debris is a big issue in knee and hip replacement as we now have many studies that show that many types of prostheses produce these small particles. However, if you’ve already had a joint replacement or are considering one, a new study should be very concerning. It found that this wear debris can cause…read more

Meniscus Repair Complications: Does this Surgery Work?

Meniscus repair could be the term in medicine that’s most like cell phone coverage ads on TV ̶  it all looks good on the surface, but the reality is different. So what is a meniscus repair and who gets one (versus cutting the meniscus out)? What are the meniscus repair complications you should be concerned…read more

Orthopedic Stem Cell Research: Is There Enough?

(Click here for a larger view) While stem cells are clearly gaining ground in orthopedics, there are still some physicians and many scientists that argue that there just isn’t enough research yet for physicians to use this therapy in patients. Since I’ve been following the research since 2005 and watching it develop, I have a…read more

Foot Fusion Complications and Wrist Surgery Side Effects: A Tale of Two Screws…

If you’re concerned about foot fusion complications or wrist surgery side effects…read on. This week I evaluated two patients who have been regrettably bitten by the big complications associated with big orthopedic surgery procedures. Both back to back patients had an issue with a screw placed to electively fuse an area in hopes of relieving pain…read more

Bunion Surgery Alternatives: Top 5 Things to Keep Your Foot from Becoming a Pronating Mess

Looking for Bunion surgery alternatives? You should be after seeing how badly Bunion surgery can impact your foot and knee in my recent post! This is part 2 of that post with ideas to help you stay away from the surgeon’s knife: 1. Figure out the Cause-All too often, we get into a quick fix…read more
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