Regenexx Procedures

Regenexx procedures utilize a patient’s own bone marrow concentrate or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to promote natural healing and tissue repair for orthopedic conditions like degenerative disc disease (DDD) and joint issues. Regenexx procedures offer customizable cell concentrations ranging from 6X to 20X. The 20X concentration of stem cell containing bone marrow is notably higher than non-Regenexx providers typically achieve.

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Spondylolysis Treatment Options: Healing the Spine with an Injection Rather than Surgery

What happens when a precise stem cell injection is used instead of surgery to treat spondylolysis? This is the story of NH, an Ivy League wrestler whose career was stopped in its tracks by a traumatic fracture of the spine called spondylolysis. His parents knew that fusing this young man’s spine at his young age…read more

Stem Cells Help Patient with Severe TMJ Issues Chew Again

Valerie had suffered from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues since the age of 16. In 2014, at the age of 60, she fell and crushed the upper and lower part of the vertebrae at her second lumbar disc. Ten days later, she yawned and completely dislocated her jaw. For 18 months, she was unable to chew…read more

Alar Ligament Treatment for CCJ Instability

Due to our high level of expertise in the field, for many years, our practice has collected a group of patients with upper cervical (CCJ) instability. This awful problem has been very difficult to treat, but the patients have been generally happy that any physician knows what’s wrong with them and is willing to do…read more

TMJ Stem Cell Therapy: Valerie’s Story

Every doctor sees patients who, right off the bat, he or she knows are a huge challenge. Valerie was one of those patients with one of the most severe cases of TMJ I have ever seen. She was unable to eat solid or soft foods at any level, and I was pretty sure she also…read more

Why Is Regenexx the Best That’s Out There?

How can Regenexx claim that it’s the most advanced and best-researched orthopedic stem cell therapy in the world? After all, if you cruise the Internet, you’ll find any number of clinics, all proclaiming that they’re the “best” or the “greatest” or “experts.” However, if you look “under the hood” of any of these web-sites and…read more

5 Compelling Reasons to Consider a Stem Cell Shoulder Treatment Instead of Surgery

The shoulder is an amazing and complex ball-and-socket joint and is the most mobile joint in the body. This unique mobility is possible because the socket portion of the joint is quite shallow, so it requires a group of four tendons—the rotator cuff—to hold the ball firmly in the socket as you lift and rotate…read more

The Multifidus Muscle and Spine Pain – Cause and Effect

The multifidus muscle is the most important stabilizer of your spine, but one that most patients and physicians have never studied. There are now hundreds of research studies confirming that when this little muscle goes south, all heck breaks loose in the neck and back. The multifidis is easy to spot on the average MRI…read more

ITB Release Surgery – What Orthopedic Surgeons Won’t Tell You

Tight ITBs (iliotibial bands) are a cottage industry now. There are many cool devices designed to loosen up your ITB and a trip to any local gym will always turn up a few individuals aggressively stretching this area. When these efforts fail to produce results, some people turn to ITB release surgery. And while ITB release surgery may seem like…read more
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