Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is characterized by the narrowing of the spinal canal, leading to compression of the spinal cord and nerves, resulting in symptoms such as pain, numbness, and weakness in the arms or legs. It can cause significant discomfort and functional limitations, often requiring medical intervention to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

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Laser Back Surgery vs. Traditional Spine Surgery

Is LASER surgery a back surgery alternative? The picture above of Dr. Evil is arguably the world’s most famous air quote. He does this as he describes the laser he has placed on the moon to disintegrate the earth. I feel a little like making this air quote as I speak to some patients about “LASER” Spine…read more

Spinal Stenosis Options: PT as Effective as Surgery

What are your spinal stenosis options? Should you have surgery? This has been a rough 5-10 years for surgeons who operate on the joints and the spine. Study after study comparing common surgeries to either placebo surgery (i.e. a fake operation) or physical therapy continues to show that many procedures don’t work. The most recent victim this week…read more

Spinal Stenosis Injections: Never Trust a Back MRI!

Patients considering spinal stenosis injections often come into the office with back pain with thier MRI CDs, believing that this shiny data disc holds the key to their salvation. This makes sense, as many are desperate at that point, their low back having betrayed them by leaving them unable to do what they need to…read more
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