Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders encompass a wide range of conditions affecting the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons, often leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. Our blog series explores the various types of musculoskeletal disorders, their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, providing valuable insights for managing these conditions and improving quality of life.

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Headaches and Neck Pain or Cervicogenic Headache

Headaches and neck pain are often linked but also often ignored by many physicians. This is called cervicogenic headache. What causes this problem and how can it be helped? Let’s dig in. Why Does My Neck Hurt and Give Me a Headache? As you develop in the womb, your head and upper neck develop together,…read more

Shoulder Labral Tear Surgery Pros and Cons

Quick links: What is a shoulder labral tear? What are the causes of labral tears? What is shoulder instability? How is a labral tear related to shoulder instability? What happens if you have shoulder instability after labral tear surgery? I evaluated a patient this week who shows off the warts of our modern orthopedic care…read more

Pain in the Back of The Heel?

As a physician who practices interventional orthopedics, I see many patients each month with pain in the back of the heel. What are the common causes of this problem? How can it be fixed? Let’s dig in. What’s in The Back of the Heel that Could Cause Pain? Calcaneus The bone at the back of…read more

Collapsed Ankle: Why It Happens and What to Do About It

On this page: What causes a collapsed ankle? How do you treat a collapsed ankle? What if I leave a collapsed ankle untreated? I both love and hate getting older. The one part of getting older I do like is that I get to experience on a first-hand basis all of the stuff my patients…read more

Is Scoliosis Surgery Worth It?

Several years ago, one of our employees had severe scoliosis and was in severe pain. Given that this was a structural problem, I wasn’t sure we could help, but I developed a procedure called a percutaneous scolioplasty that did eventually make a difference. Let me review another patient today whose nonsurgical treatment results surprised me.…read more

ITB Lower Back Pain: Why Your Back Makes Your ITB Hurt

About two-thirds of the back pain patients on whom I perform an exam have a fired-up and tender ITB. In addition, I’ve seen through the years that treating the issues in the back as well as the ITB works much better than just treating the back. Why? Because the ITB is the canary in the…read more

CCJ Instability: Patients Don’t Know What Their Doctors Don’t Tell Them

If you read this blog, you know that I often write about what I see every day in practice and usually about those things that, as my mother used to say, “get me going.” This week I evaluated a young woman with CCJ instability who didn’t know before getting her neck fused and nerves surgically…read more

Why Can’t I Lift My Arms Overhead?

On this page: Muscles and ligaments involved in neck instability Irritated neck nerves A patient story I love when patients walk in and I can easily show them how their body works. This past week, I was able to do that with a patient who couldn’t lift his arms over his head. In seconds, I…read more
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